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Top 8 Ways to Improve Time Management Skills

Thomas Jones
Thomas Jones Originally published Jul 10, 23, updated Sep 11, 24

Time management has become a core skill in this fast-paced and demanding world. How we manage our time can gauge our personal and professional success.

Mastering this skill involves adopting a combination of habits and activities. These practices help individuals focus on tasks and maintain a healthy work-life balance.

Our guide covers several strategies to assist you master time management skills. Incorporating these techniques into your life can help you become organised and productive. So without further ado, let’s dig in!

In this article
  1. Part 1: Why is Time Management Important?
  2. Part 2: Skills To Improve Time Management
  3. Part 3: Wondershare FamiSafe
  4. Part 4: Bottom Line

Time Management is an important professional skill that represents productivity and time prioritisation. It is not limited to an individual but also a strong link in a well-performing team. Managing time well means being efficient in your work yet having enough time to relax.

Time is a precious resource that can always be spent more effectively than how we tend to waste it. Here are a few reasons why it is important to develop time management skills:

1.Reduce Last-Minute Stress

Ineffective time management often results in a heap of work with limited hours on the clock. It creates a panic and last-minute rush to get things done. While already chasing time, you tend to waste more time on stress and procrastinating.

Effective time management qualifies you to take charge of your time. It aids in striking an equilibrium between work and leisure, so you lead a well-rounded life.

2.Increases Productivity

Humans are more productive and creative when they have time. Good time management skills allow you to prioritise what’s important and do it best. Enhanced productivity results in better outcomes.

3.Work Satisfaction

 Last Minute Work Rush

Time management can increase work satisfaction. As you achieve smaller goals, satisfaction and yearning for bigger achievements embraces. It offers job satisfaction while making you competitive to achieve higher.

4.Maintaining a Work-Life Equilibrium

Good time management helps find a healthy balance between work and personal spheres. It helps optimise productivity while leaving room for relaxation. Set realistic expectations to achieve higher professionally and foster well-being.

5.Improved Work Quality

Wasting time and rushing with tasks last minute ruins the work quality. Managing time wisely allows a thorough look into the work that requires more attention. This results in higher quality of work and improved results.

Part 2 Skills To Improve Time Management

The foremost step to time management is knowing the best techniques to master it. The right strategies and skills can help you make the most out of your limited time.

Time management skills can vary according to your personality trait and the type of work. See what suits you best and can be incorporated into your lifestyle.

1.Plan Out Your Tasks


The fundamental step for effective time management is planning out your day. Develop a strategy by outlining the tasks and then sequencing them. Maintaining a calendar and reminders can help you calibrate the desired routine.

Set goals that are relevant and time-bound. However, be realistic about the time so you dont overdo yourself unnecessarily. Completing the tasks then allows a sense of accomplishment and keeps you motivated. Be sure to include breaks and buffer time to relax and treat yourself.


Not all tasks in your planner are equal based on importance. You must differentiate between them based on whether it's urgent, important, or unessential. For effective time management, prioritise tasks based on their importance and deadlines.

The best way to do this is to create an Eisenhower Matrix. The matrix divides the daily tasks into four quadrants:

  • urgent and important
  • important but not urgent
  • urgent but not important
  • not urgent and not important.

This helps in staying focused and completing the high-priority tasks first.

 Eisenhower Matrix of Time Management

3.Set Goals

Setting goals is the first pedestal to mount for becoming a good time manager. By setting a final goal, you paint a bigger picture that keeps you motivated. It helps sequence the tasks based on priority.

You can divide the work into sub-tasks that will ladder up to the final treat. Smaller tasks are manageable and help you visualise your way up the ladder.

4.Keep Away from Distractions

To improve time management and organisational skills, evaluating ourselves is crucial. Many activities in our routine are time-sucking vampires. They steal your attention and then make you lazy.

This often happens when we lack interest or are stuck with something difficult. Keep any such distractions (like phones) out of reach. Pay attention to the task at hand and take a quick break in reward for the progress.

A time-tracking tool provides detailed insight into your daily routine on digital devices. Use such tools to analyse your subconscious and conscious distractions.

5.Learn to Say ‘NO’

 Learn to say No

Intrusion in working hours is often because you seem to be always available for friends. The essential step is to define boundaries so they don’t become a menace in your work. Be selective about the tasks and commitments you take on.

If you already have too much on your list, taking on more jobs is not a good idea. A mindful assessment of whether the work aligns with your routine is necessary. Feel okay to decline requests or delegate to someone else.

You can save time and do better with the current tasks by saying no to unnecessary endeavours.

6.Stop Procrastinating

Procrastination is a major obstacle that hampers time management and efficiency. It is important to identify its root cause to make improvements. Understand your behaviour patterns. Procrastination can be linked to fear of failure, lack of motivation, perfectionism, etc.

Often long working hours make you tired and lead to procrastination. Divide the work into subtasks to make it seem less daunting. Offer yourself buffer times to refresh your mind.

Reducing distractions and adopting a proactive mindset helps in overcoming procrastination. Remember, it may take time and effort, but the productivity boost, as a result, is worth it.

7.Do Not Stress

Stress is a major obstacle to your productivity. We feel stressed out when we have too much on our plate and have to race against time. Stress clogs our creativity and thought processes. Knowing how to cope and work under stress is a great time management skill.

When you feel the work pressure, take a break, meditate, or talk to a friend to relieve stress. Identifying what works for you to manage the stress response is necessary.

8.Minimise Multi-Tasking


We often think that multi-tasking helps save time. But, let me debunk the myth for you- in most cases, it wastes time. Shifting and re-shifting the focus between tasks only limits our cognition. It becomes tiring physically and mentally.

Focusing on a single task and maintaining concentration to boost productivity is best. Wait to finish one task to start another, and you will be surprised at how much you have achieved.

Part 3: Wondershare FamiSafe

With children having easy access to the internet, it becomes difficult for parents to protect them from online dangers. Wondershare Famisafe is a valuable solution for parents to establish healthy digital boundaries.

It empowers you to control screen time and promote responsible device usage. Parents can track their activities, block inappropriate content and receive alerts for malicious activities. You can enhance productivity and focus by setting restrictions and wise technology leverage.

 Wondershare Famisafe

But, Famisafe features are not limited to parents. It is a bonus for any individual struggling to manage time. Famisafe empowers you to establish healthy boundaries by restricting screen time.

Let’s see some key features that are great for effective time management.

Monitor the Screen Usage

Time wasted on distractions and digital platforms often go unnoticed. Famisafe offers a detailed insight into screen time and app usage. Individuals working on their time management skills can assess their areas of improvement. This empowers users for balanced screen usage and improves time management.

Smart Schedule

Famisafe tracks and allows insight into the daily usage of applications and phones. Users can analyse their distractions and see what is hampering their work efficiency. Users can customise schedules for their screen time. This particularly helps in improving time management soft skills.

Manage Screen Time

Parents and users can limit their screen time and app usage with Famisafe. This feature, in particular, is very helpful if you are striving for time management. Users can pause and play their screen time, giving them control over when to engage in online fun. This helps you establish healthy digital habits and time management.

Block Applications

Wondershare Famisafe restricts applications and blocks all notifications for a selected time frame. This provides a valuable solution to managing screen time and minimises distractions.

Part 4 Bottom Line

Time management skills are crucial irrespective of your working domain. By employing effective strategies, you can optimise productivity, reduce stress and achieve goals.

As an individual seeking to curb digital distractions, Wondershare Famisafe can be an invaluable asset. It revolutionises how you approach your daily chores and commitments. You can establish healthy boundaries and balance well between work and leisure.

Embrace the strength of time management and leverage technology to make the most of your day.

Thomas Jones
Thomas Jones Sep 11, 24
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