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ChatGPT Passed Wharton MBA Exam: A Game Changer in AI-Powered Education

Moly Swift
Moly Swift Originally published Jun 14, 23, updated Sep 11, 24

There is no denying, ChatGPT has been the talk of the town in recent times. It is very evident how it revolutionalized the AI world. From assisting us in our daily tasks, now it is also breaking barriers in the education sector.

It's like having a genius companion by your side, ready to assist you with your learning journey. But hold on! The jaw-dropping news is ChatGPT passes Wharton MBA exam. Can you believe it?

In this article, we are going to scratch this mind-boggling story. We will also explore the impacts and advantages of ChatGPT on education.

Let's dive in and uncover what the future of education holds!

Part 1. What is ChatGPT, and how does it work?

ChatGPT is a language model that OpenAI develops. It is developed in a way so it can have conversations with people like you and me. Think of it as a chatbot that can understand and respond to human language.

ChatGPT website interface.

Now how does it work? ChatGPT has been trained on massive text data from the internet, like books, articles, and websites. It's kind of learning from a huge library of information. This training helps it understand language patterns and how people usually talk.

When you chat with ChatGPT, it uses what it learned during training to generate responses. It tries to come up with answers that make sense based on the information it has seen before. ChatGPT doesn't have real-time knowledge of what is happening in the world.

Now, let's find out how ChatGPT passes Wharton MBA exam.

Part 2. Overview of ChatGPT Wharton MBA exam

Professor Christian Terwiesch at the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School did a study on an AI chatbot called GPT-3. He wanted to see if the chatbot could pass the final exam of the school's MBA program. He found out that the chatbot cracked the exam and did pretty well. It got a score somewhere between B- and B.

The professor found it very impressive that ChatGPT is able to do things that degree holders do. He added that ChatGPT has skills like managers, analysts, and consultants.

It did not stop there. ChatGPT is also good at preparing legal documents. He mentioned that it can also pass the bar exam. A new AI tool will be ready to take over in court in a few weeks. If this was impressing him, it was also alarming the bell about its impacts on certain things.

ChatGPT website interface with MBA book.

Wharton MBA ChatGPT doesn't mean AI will replace humans in university MBA tracks. According to the same report, It made mistakes in simple calculations that a 6th-grade student could do.

Professor Terwiesch, who wrote the report, mentioned that these mistakes can be big. However, when given a little hint, ChatGPT was able to fix its errors on its own.

It's clear that AI has a lot of potential, but it's not going to take away the job of an MBA yet. We can see that technology like ChatGPT isn't here to replace us 'humans' but to help us do our jobs even better. It's like a tool that can make us more capable and effective in what we do.

Let’s move further and talk about the advantages of AI in education.

Part 3. Advantages of AI-powered education

ChatGPT has the potential to make significant impacts on education in various ways. Here are a few advantages it could have:

An illustration of AI-powered education.

Personalized learning

ChatGPT can act as a virtual teacher or mentor that helps you learn in a way that suits you best. It can answer your questions, explain things, and guide you as per your needs. ChatGPT is additional support for students outside the classroom. It helps to promote self-learning and fill knowledge gaps.

Accessible education

ChatGPT can bring education to people who don't have access to traditional schools. It can provide learning resources and support to those in remote areas. However, having access to a source like ChatGPT can bridge the education gap.

Language Learning

ChatGPT can help you practice and get better at languages. It can have conversations with you, fix your grammar, and teach you new words. It's like having a language practice buddy!

Research and reference

ChatGPT can assist you in doing research and finding information. It can help you find useful sources, summarize articles, and answer specific questions. It eventually saves you time and gives you a starting point for more exploration.

Creativity and writing support

ChatGPT can help you become a better writer. It can give you ideas, suggest improvements, and help you with your writing. Chatting with it lets you become more creative and improve your writing skills.

Collaborative learning

ChatGPT can join group discussions or problem-solving activities with you and your classmates. It can be a virtual team member that will help you in your work. It can think critically and share different perspectives.

We explored the advantages of ChatGPT in education. Now let's see if there are any impacts.

Part 4. Impacts of ChatGPT on education

While there are potential benefits, there are some negative impacts too. We need to acknowledge the influence of ChatGPT on education and learning.

ChatGPT in Education: Risks and Concerns

Here are a few points to consider:

  • Relying on ChatGPT may hinder critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Students will become too reliant on AI for answers.
  • ChatGPT lacks human feelings. It won't be able to provide the emotional support and understanding that a human teacher can do.
  • There are ethical concerns about data privacy. Misuse of AI-generated content may compromise students' privacy and security.
  • ChatGPT may limit face-to-face interactions. You may be unable to participate in group discussions and learning, affecting social communication skills.
  • ChatGPT's reliance on pre-existing data can lead to inaccurate or outdated information. It can confuse students and mislead them.
  • The language capabilities of ChatGPT may not cover all languages. This makes it less effective for students who communicate in non-dominant languages.

With the increasing demand for AI tools in various fields, the future of AI-powered education is going to be remarkable. Let's see how.

Part 5. The promising Future of AI in education

The future of AI in education holds great potential for transforming the way we learn and teach. AI can analyze a lot of information about how we learn and use that to make education even better. It can help teachers understand what works well and what needs improvement. Therefore, they can teach us in the most effective way possible.

In the future, we might get to use cool technology that makes learning more fun and interactive. We can put on special glasses or use virtual reality headsets to explore virtual worlds. We can also conduct experiments and learn in a way that feels like we're right there.

Example of augmented reality.

Part 6. Security management tool - FamiSafe

In today's tech-savvy world, kids are also drawn to AI tools like ChatGPT for their learning needs. However, as parents, ensuring a safe and monitored online environment is crucial. That's where FamiSafe steps in to help and provide peace of mind!

FamiSafe is a security management tool that Wondeshare develops. This tool is mainly designed for parents and teachers to track children’s online activities. With so many impressive features, It is the ideal solution to keep your children safe in the digital world.

Key features of FamiSafe

FamiSafe has all the necessary features one could ask for. Let's explore some of the key features offered by FamiSafe that make it the best choice.:

FamiSafe’s key features.

  • Activity report to make you track your kid's phone activities. It can provide you with detailed reports. You can also check which app did they install/uninstall.
  • Screen time control allows you to set the certain screen time of selected apps. You can manage and control how much time your children can spend on each app.
  • App blocker allows you to block or limit the usage of certain apps on your children's phones. You can stop them from opening specific apps.
  • Parent alerts help you to set specific words that you think are bad or offensive. If your child type or click any of those words, FamiSafe will notify you about it.
  • Location tracking is the most useful and most needed feature of FamiSafe. It helps you track your kids' real-time location to see if they are around you.


Please keep in mind that AI models are not experts. They can be prone to errors and sometimes provide inaccurate information. However, AI models like ChatGPT are indeed doing wonders in the field of education and changing the perspectives of AI-powered education.

As we have seen in this article, chatgpt passes Wharton MBA exam. With this powerful AI tool, you can take your learning experience to the next level. But as mentioned earlier, it can often generate inaccurate responses. So, ensure to do your own research if you are doing any important task with the help of ChatGPT.

In the end, whatever AI tool you use, protect yourself and your kids from online malware and threats. Download FamiSafe

now and monitor your kids' activities to ensure a secure online experience.

Moly Swift
Moly Swift Sep 11, 24
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