Anti Bullying Videos: Get an Understanding of Bullying
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Anti Bullying Videos: Help You Get an Understanding of Bullying

anti bullying video

Bullying is the age-old problem that results in a series of suicides and deaths. Despite many anti-bullying programs, this problem is still prevailing that affects many students every year. According to a study, more than one out of five students was bullied during school.

Given its high prevalence, you, as a parent, should be equipped to address bullying with your children. However, talking with teens about intense subjects such as sexting, cyberbullying and online sexual predators can be challenging. Although bullying can be a difficult subject to discuss with kids, it doesn’t have to be. You just need to be more prepared to explain the consequences and effects of the bullying calmly to the kids.

But, you can use YouTube as a resource to make kids understand this serious issue. There are many sad but inspiring anti-bullying videos on YouTube that have gone viral over the past few years.

So, here we’ve compiled a list of anti-bullying videos that would help you and your kid with this phase.

anti bullying video

5 Anti Bullying Videos

1. The Bully

“The Bully” is a short film that is created by a 12-year old boy with the help of his father. With over a million of likes, this video by Jonah Maxwell has a poignant message about the impact of bullying as well as cyberbullying. Also, Jonah has also given some tips and encouragement for those who are or have been bullied.

2. Silent

“Silent” is an award-winning short film created by a high school freshman, Lindsey Hunter. The video is about a deaf girl that focuses on the power of kindness. This inspiring video encourages kids to stand up for their friends if they ever witness a bullying incident, instead of being a silent witness.

3. Thirteen

Written and directed by Robert Randall, “Thirteen” tells a heartbreaking story of a 13-year old girl, Caroline. The middle school girl was having trouble “fitting in” and wants to learn how to be herself.

4. Strain

“Strain” portrays the story of two young girls who were best until one of them became popular after joining a popular clique in high school. The childhood friends have a fall out when the leader of the popular group bullies the less popular friend. Being a touching story with high production quality, this video is on the heavier side as it deals with strong subjects like self-harm, suicide and alcoholism.

5. Sincere Compliment

“Sincere Compliment” is one of the most inspiring and uplifting videos for students who have ever been a victim of cyberbullying. Created by a high school junior, Jeremiah, this video is all about projecting positivity in the world.

In this video, Jeremiah created social media account on Facebook and Twitter, through which he would send a genuine compliment with encouraging messages to the students.

This small step towards an anti-bullying movement turned into a group of kind students who are inspired to make a huge difference in the lives of kids who are being bullied.

These videos can be useful as these shows kids the psychological consequences of their action. Along with empowering kids to tackle bullying, these videos will help them motivate and uplift if they are being bullied.

However, many kids are silently bullied, and parents don’t have the slightest idea of what’s going on in their kid’s life. For this, you can seek help from various parental control app that could help you keep an eye on your kid and know whether they are being bullied or not.

What Can You Do Before Your Kids Get Hurt?

Bullying can have a serious and emotional effect on teens and kids. When most of the parents don’t know about their kid’s lifestyle, it’s become a necessity nowadays to keep a close eye on their activities.

However, the kids and teens are very concerned about their privacy and social life, and they might not tell you if they are facing some serious issues at the school.

Fortunately, to tackle this situation, there are many anti-bullying apps that can help you monitor your kid’s phone and online activities.

Protect Your Kids with An Anti-Bullying App – FamiSafe

FamiSafe, a parental control app will help you see whether your kids are up to something good or going in the wrong direction.

FamiSafe is a powerful and reliable parental control app that allows the parent to keep of track of their kid’s activities. The app has various features like real-time location tracking, smart scheduling, app blocking and many more.

A Reliable and Handy Parental Control App

  • Location Tracking & Geo-fencing
  • App Blocker & Web Filtering
  • Web Filtering
  • Screen Time Control
  • Smart Parental Control Setting

The app is known for its suspicious text feature. It allows the parents to set a keyword and whenever the kid receives a text with the selected keyword, parents will receive an alert notification. This feature can help parents get alerts from suspicious messages and bullying words.

anti bullying with get alerts from suspicious text

How To Install FamiSafe

For parent’s device

    • Install the app from App Store or Play Store.

anti bullying app - FamiSafe installation

    • Register yourself by entering your email and password. These credentials will help in future logins.

anti bullying app - FamiSafe register

  • Then, you will see some quick information about the usage of the app, which you can skip or swipe to see all the instructions.
  • Click on start and choose your identity as the parent.
  • Then, select the platform your kid is using, Android or iOS.

For kid’s Device

  • Sign in with same email and password.
  • After going through the quick information, tap on start your identity as a kid.
  • Enter your kid’s name and age.
  • Allow all the requested permissions, and you’re good to go.

anti bullying app - FamiSafe on kids' device

After you are done with the installation process, you’ll see a homepage with the current location and various notifications.

anti bullying app - FamiSafe homepage

By clicking on the dashboard, you’ll come across a screen like:

anti bullying app - FamiSafe feature

Using this intuitive dashboard, you can easily track what your kid is up to. With different tabs like activity report, browser history, suspicious text, you can get to know about the browsing history, location history, suspicious texts etc.

The activity report tab displays all the apps your kid has used and for how much time. With browser history, you can see what your kid is doing online or if he is accessing any inappropriate web content. Suspicious texts will give a list of all the unapproved texts your kid has received. You can also check the real-time location and the location history of the target device.

The geofences tab enables to enter the area where you’d like your kid to be. If he/ she goes out of the geofences location, you’ll immediately get an alert notification. The smart schedule allows you to save a schedule for your kids, so they don’t waste their time playing on their phone.

Although bullying is something that is not going to go away, it can be reduced significantly. Parents can use parental control or anti-bullying apps to monitor their texts, calls and internet usage such as their social media.

Apps like FamiSafe enables you to see what your kid is receiving or sending. Should the calls and texts are harassing; these apps also let you block specific apps.

FamiSafe’s suspicious text feature is great for finding any signs of dangerous activities and cyberbullying. Besides this fantastic feature, FamiSafe also offers features like location tracking, blocking inappropriate apps, filtering web, accessing location history and more.

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Thomas Jones

chief Editor