Best Anti-Bullying Programs in Schools
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Top 5 Best Anti-Bullying Programs in Schools

anti bullying programs

Be it your schooling or your child's schooling; bullying is something that remains constant. But if we talk about today's generation, it seems like it has become a significant obstacle for students. In this digital era, mobile phones play a visible role as the culprit by giving a new platform to the bullies. Children spend more time with their phones that made communication easier and raised the height of bullying. Technology is a tool, and if it can be used for provoking negative ideas, it can also be used to harness those and to put an end to bullying.

best anti-bullying programs

Are you worried about your school environment and want to make your school bully-free? Go with these best anti-bullying programs in schools that will help you to fight peacefully with bulling tricks.

1. FamilyTime

FamilyTime is a monitoring program that can easily monitor the kid's online activities. With FamilyTime's best parental control, inappropriate online content can be blocked. Parents can also track the child's location.

best anti-bullying programs - Familytime


  • Monitor online activities
  • Track live location
  • App blocking
  • Screen-Time scheduling
  • Geofencing


  • Set limited screen time for distraction-free study time
  • Internet filters help to blocks access to certain websites that are not appropriate as per age group of children
  • With the watchlist contact list, alerts are received when uncertain people try to contact kids.
  • Regular monitoring of call history and text messages


  • Expensive
  • Can't monitor PC

2. FamiSafe

FamiSafe is the most reliable app that tracks the location of kids for ensuring their safety. As all the web content is not suitable for kids; this app helps with specific filters that will allow kids to access only the appropriate content for their age group. Kids usually get targeted by cyberbullying and other harmful activities; FamiSafe makes the job of protecting kids easier for you.

best anti-bullying programs - FamiSafe


  • Location tracker
  • Blocks inappropriate apps
  • Filters Web
  • Control screen time
  • Remote access to the child's phone


  • Keeps track of the child's live location and also enables geo fencing that gives alert when a child enters and leaves geo-fence.
  • Provides access to location history.
  • Distractive app blocking like games etc. helps in giving them more study time.
  • Inappropriate app blocks keep kids safe from harmful content like gambling, violence, etc.
  • Setting Screen Times ensures focused school time.
  • Alert is received if a child gets a text with the keyword that's set as suspicious text.


  • No free trial period

3. My Mobile Watchdog

My Mobile Watchdog lets you be a part of children's online world by giving access to their text messages, call logs, contact lists for ensuring their safety. This anti-bullying program gives you the satisfaction that you are providing a safe online environment to kids and protects them from bullying.

best anti-bullying programs - my mobile watchdog


  • GPS location tracker
  • Syncing with the child's contact list
  • Review text messages and photos
  • Access to call logs
  • Blocks App
  • Restricts time slot for usage


  • Setting an approved list of contacts helps to get your child contacted only with trusted people and sent an alert when an unapproved person tries to reach them.
  • Time blocking an app gives children limited access to distractive apps like social media apps, gaming, etc.
  • Provides a customized report of all activities of children's phone
  • Alerts when a child attempts to access blocked sites
  • Limit's phone usage with time blocking
  • Track's last 99 locations of the child.


  • Geo-fencing is not included
  • Don't provide stealth operation to monitor cell phone

4. Net Nanny

Net Nanny is the most trusted app for the online security of kids. With effective filters, children are protected from bullying and unhealthy web content. Moreover, Net Nanny supports all devices.

best anti-bullying programs - Net Nanny


  • Filters online activities
  • Profanity settings
  • Remote access to children's device


  • Masks vulgar language in the content without blocking the whole content
  • Alerts through emails about child's online activities
  • Setting internet hours limits the child's phone usage
  • Appropriate filters ensure the child is not going through unapproved web content
  • Gives access to incoming and outgoing messages


  • Unable to monitor social media
  • Advanced features need to be purchased separately

5. Mobistealth

Mobistealth is a trusted app that monitors children's mobile and computers. You can keep track of the child's location and monitor their phone usage. The app supports multiple channels and is very easy to install.

best anti-bullying programs - Mobistealth


  • Tracks location
  • Monitor chat messengers
  • Monitors messages and calls
  • Records mobiles surrounding
  • Monitor stored pictures of mobile
  • Gives access to Gmail activity


  • Easy mapping of sender and receiver text messages with the contact list
  • Get the live location of children
  • All social media chats are monitored
  • Tracks activities of cell phones and computers with logging keystrokes
  • Records all calls for detecting any bulling activity


  • Does not provides a free demo

How To Install FamiSafe

FamiSafe installation is very simple. Install it with the following easy steps:

Step 1: Download the app from Google Play or App Store and get it installed in your phone and children's phone

anti bullying in school with FamiSafe 1

Step 2: Get registered with the FamiSafe Account from your phone or child's phone. Ensure that you are giving correct designation to your phone as "Parent" and to kid's target phone as "Kid".

anti bullying in school with FamiSafe 2

Step 3: Settings for Kid's phone


Log in to your account and select the identity as a kid. Enter kid's details like name and age.

anti bullying in school with FamiSafe 3

Give certain permissions to FamiSafe: allow location access to the app and install the Mobile Device Management file.


Log in to your account and select the identity as a kid. Enter kid's details like name and age.

Give permissions to FamiSafe: allow location access to the app and install the Mobile Device Management file.

anti bullying in school with FamiSafe 3

Now give access to app usage.

anti bullying in school with FamiSafe 4

Give administrator access to the app, to prevent it from getting uninstalled other than a parent.

anti bullying in school with FamiSafe 5

For tracking the kid's location, activate the location tracker.

anti bullying in school with FamiSafe 6

Step 4: Settings for parent's phone

The settings of your phone for the FamiSafe app are the same as the kid's phone.

You need to log in to your account and select your identity as a Parent and connect your phone to the kid's device.

With the easy installation steps, you are ready to track children's device activities and keep teens and kids secure from bullying.

A Reliable and Handy Parental Control App

  • Location Tracking & Geo-fencing
  • App Blocker & Web Filtering
  • Web Filtering
  • Screen Time Control
  • Smart Parental Control Setting

Bullying was always there, but in recent years it is becoming very dangerous to students. It is not affecting them physically but also harassing them mentally. Kids are getting depressed and started developing sleeping disorders; their academic results are getting affected. All this leads to the need of developing anti-bullying tools that go against bullying and helps in protecting kid's childhood.

Tracking kids have become essential for securing them and launching these apps in schools will help in keeping school campuses bully-free. If you are looking for such apps then you can consider FamiSafe as its extensive features will save kids from bullying.

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Thomas Jones

chief Editor