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How to Overcoming Porn Addiction

overcoming porn addiction

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Sep 11, 2024 Filed to: Internet Filter Proven solutions

He was sad, lonely and depressed, sitting in one corner of a room, he was doing nothing but crying, sobbing over his helplessness to overcome the pornography addiction, the evil that has consumed his mind and body to the extent that fighting his will power has become difficult for him. The drastic effect it has over him is even more alarming than he ever expected.

The Ultimate Guide to Overcoming Porn Addiction

Porn addiction not always means watching porn or adult content but thinking about it can also trigger, damage, and create a hormonal imbalance to the same extent as the latter.

Falling into the trap of internet porn addiction is easier but finding a way out of it and overcoming pornography addiction can take time and a lot more effort.

Over time, with strong will power, this thought fades away, desires become weaker and weaker, the mind tends to find pleasure in other activities, and the only thought of videos or unwanted information diminishes with time. Although the craving for internet porn addiction will never completely fade away, there is no doubt in admitting that it can become weaker to the extent of extinction.

The Ultimate Guide to Overcoming Porn Addiction

With a skyrocketing internet usage, statistics show that from 1% in 1995, the issue of internet pornography has risen quickly to 40% at present, which has also turned out to be one of the most common addictions.

Really Addicted to Pornography?

Using porn for escaping, or losing track of time is your first step in falling into the trap. People are observed to take this path when they are bored or facing a hard time adjusting with their unhealthy relationships. Teens, in particular, are attracted to this curse out of boredom and escapism.

The extent of damage pornography on teens can easily be estimated from a study that says: those who view internet pornography for hours each week have decreased the level of grey matter, an important component of the central nervous system. This could lead a brain craving more of it while interfering with the nervous system, and distressing mental health, at the same time.

With a teenager, these effects could be more challenging because of the lack of thinking ability about rights and wrongs. These might also deform the pleasure centers of the brain making it difficult for them to cope up with the challenging environment around them. For a better human being, overcoming the addiction of pornography and curbing the desire at an early stage should be a priority.

Preventing teens from getting involved in unethical activities is the responsibility of every concerned parent. Monitoring their activities with the utmost attention, and awareness about their daily schedules is the first step to overcome pornography.

Signs That Your Child is Addicted to Pornography:


Being addicted to porn makes your teen react spontaneously to every situation, sometimes in a manner, not required. Losing control over their emotions and reacting in an anxious manner at different levels can make you think that your child requires urgent attention with proper mentoring and counseling.

Hiding Things

From hiding things to hiding secrets from parents, teenagers often tend to build their own isolated circle. This might involve them in spending too much time surfing dangerous, unethical, and unwanted stuff.

Impaired Concentration

Undoubtedly, when a child's mind is diverted towards the unhealthy stuff like pornography, concentration towards studies or fruitful activities automatically decreases. Lowering of grades and a decrease in concentration in schools should be kept in check.

The Ultimate Guide to Overcoming Porn Addiction

Taking Device to Bathroom

Your child might develop a habit of taking the cell phones to the washroom, it will not always be a matter of concern, but if the same continues for a long time, you need to interrogate your child and ask him to drop this unhealthy habit.

Isolation and Alienation

Teens tend to avoid gatherings and conversations with their adults. They find solace in being alone and not sharing their stuff with others. Sitting idle and not using their energy in something innovative may tend to pull them into darker sides of the world while putting their future at stake.

No Social Circle

Indulging in physical activities, playing and talking with friends is common among teens, but if your child is avoiding contact with people and staying in his room for long, you need to keep a check at his whereabouts and daily routine.

Symptoms of Depression

Crying at times, or feeling depressed, not eating properly or even trying to harm himself, if you find such symptoms with your teen, then definitely you need to guide him in a healthy way.

The Ultimate Guide to Overcoming Porn Addiction

Most of the good works that a child needs to overcome pornography should begin at home with the parent acting as a friend, guide, and teacher at the same time.

Steps You as a Parent Can Take to Help Your Teen Overcome Pornography

Be Aware

There is nothing wrong with keeping a check at your child. You need to properly monitor the requirements of your child. Also, it lies the responsibility of a concerned parent to spend ample time with their wards and motivate them as and when required.

Stay Calm

Even if you have discovered that your child is in the wrong hands, or has adopted wrong habits, showing your anger will do it no good. You need to stay calm and adopt methods to make him realize his mistakes, and help him change in the easiest way, so that he may not feel shy in seeking your help.

Explain the Consequences

Children and teens, in particular, don't simply adopt things when told. They have the tendency to question whatever is said to them. With you already clear of the consequences, you can easily explain to them the harmful effects of pornography and tell them that it is the need of the hour to adopt extreme measures, and overcome the addiction towards pornography.

The Ultimate Guide to Overcoming Porn Addiction

Proper Use of the Internet

The Internet is a complete package of knowledge. From buying to selling, from learning subject matter to teaching and taking doubts, you name it and the internet has it. The Internet is a miracle in the right hands, whereas in the wrong hands, it can ruin one's life completely. Teach your teens the proper use of the internet. Help them surf the information required according to their age group. Being a parent, you can guide your child according to his mindset and save him from any impending danger.

Praying Daily

Inculcate a habit of praying daily, guiding your child to pray daily, and linking himself to spirituality will be of much help when it comes to improving mental wellness.

The Ultimate Guide to Overcoming Porn Addiction

Meditating Practices

Meditation timings, when scheduled properly, will not only improve concentration but will also keep your child mentally fit. The needs and desires for pornography will automatically suppress and you will be surprised to see the wonderful effects of it on his social circle.

Seeking Help from the Therapist

Feeling shy in seeking help from a therapist is never an option. You will find wonderful answers to all your questions at one stop. Knowing the exact situation and the consequences, it has on your teen, a therapist can provide better and proper guidance by counseling and making your teen realize the need to change the habit that is consuming him indirectly.

Protective Software Filtering Pornography

Technology has taken a step forward in helping parents shape their children as better citizens for tomorrow. Parents can monitor, filter, and restrict the use of certain websites and applications in their child's handset by using applications like FamiSafe.

FamiSafe a Tool for Healthy Childhood!

The Ultimate Guide to Overcoming Porn Addiction

FamiSafe can act as a wonderful tool for concerned parents by monitoring the activities of their ward.

"WEB FILTERING" an excellent feature by FemiSafe which allows you to filter, block and restrict your child to use certain unwanted websites and save them from unnecessary interaction with stuff available worldwide.

"APP BLOCKING" feature allows restricting the use of certain applications on your child's cell phone to stop them from distracting information available. Also, this feature helps to limit the usage of cell phones in unwanted places.

FamiSafe helps in LOCATION TRACKING also. You can very easily track your kids without constantly asking them their locations. It can even intimate you about the amount of battery remaining in your child's cellphone, thus, decreasing the cause of your worry when they are not on time at home.

This app is flexible and can be used with iOS as well as Android devices.

Installing it is as easy and as safe as any other application from the app store.

Step 1: Download the app, FamiSafe on both parents as well as the child's handset from the Play store.

The Ultimate Guide to Overcoming Porn Addiction

Step 2: After adding a child device, follow the steps as instructed by changing settings in both the handsets.

The Ultimate Guide to Overcoming Porn Addiction

Step 3: Smart use of the web filtering feature in settings, where a window will appear, indicates the inbuilt guide to monitor blocking and unblocking of certain particular web content can prevent your child from unwanted data. Select the desired site category you want to block.

The Ultimate Guide to Overcoming Porn Addiction

Step 4: You can even manage keywords and content that you don't want your kids to have access to.

The Ultimate Guide to Overcoming Porn Addiction

Step 5: A "Web history" section in this application will help you know the complete information regarding the sites visited by your child even indicating the time for which any particular site was open.

The Ultimate Guide to Overcoming Porn Addiction

Step 6: The application also notifies you when your child tries to use or visit the prohibited sites.

The Ultimate Guide to Overcoming Porn Addiction

FamiSafe has kept it a simple and better way to guide your child for potential threats waiting for them on the Internet. Not exposing them on the social network is not an option. Devoting your valuable time and energy for a proper upbringing can save your child from the problems to come and also to overcome the addiction to pornography.

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Thomas Jones

chief Editor