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Kids Timer App: To Control Kid's Time on iPhone and iPad

Kids Timer App

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Sep 03, 2024 Filed to: Screen Time Control Proven solutions

If you didn’t agree that your kids are spending too much time on their mobile devices, you wouldn’t be reading this article. The truth is, that it is shocking how much time children spend scrolling through iPhones and iPads. You may be wondering how you can stop your kids from spending so much time online. Your sleepless nights are now officially over, in this article you are going to learn all about the kid’s timer app and the iPad timer app, and how you can use them to control the amount of time spent on a device.

If your kids’ devices are Android systems, read this Android guide to restrict your kids’ screen time.

How to Control Your Kid's Time on iPhone and iPad

Screen Time Tool: You can keep an eye on how much time your kids spend on their devices by using a screen time tool. You can also put the digital wellness tool to use and create rules for your children to follow. You will need to put your kids’ phones onto the iCloud Family Sharing account, their names are added to a list in the Family Usage section. The main settings app screen is where you will find Screen Time.

1. Tap on your child’s name.

2. Select "Turn on Screen time."

3. You will then see a message telling you about the available features on the app.

4. Select "Parental Controls Setup."

5. Create a "Start and End time"

Kids Timer App: The Best Way to Control Kids Time on iPhone and iPad

During the start end time, you can allow your kids to send messages, use other apps, and make calls, but you can control their usage. Other functions such as notifications are also turned off during this time. For the hours that your child is asleep, you can click on "Set Downtime."

1. The Apps Limits Page is where you set time limits for app usage. Once the time has been exceeded, your kids will need your permission to get more time. There are different app categories available, so you can customize app limits here.
After choosing which apps you want to restrict, tap on "Set" to select the time limit.

2. The final screen is content and privacy where you can block adult content. You can also request your permission be required to change privacy settings.

3. You will then create a four-number password.

4. You should now see a summary of the screen time settings you have chosen.

The Benefits of Time Control

In case you are wondering if it’s worth the hassle to limit your kid's screen time using a kid’s timer app, studies have found that it is worth every minute. Read this teenage screen time guide to find the appropriate screen time for your kids.

A study conducted at Iowa State University by associate professor of psychology Douglas Gentile found that limiting the number of time children spent on devices had several benefits:

  • Better sleep
  • Better grades
  • Reduced body mass index
  • Reduced aggression
  • Better social behavior

Parents will not notice these benefits immediately, in fact, there is a high chance that your kids will put up a fight. However, if you persevere, you will see the difference over time controlling your kid's time on their iPhone or iPad with FamiSafe.

FamiSafe-set a smart time schedule

[Recommended] FamiSafe:The Most Reliable Screen Time Control App

FamiSafe is one of the most effective parental control apps for monitoring kids' screen time. Parents can download the app onto their phone, and place the required restrictions, giving you the peace of mind required when you leave your kids with a babysitter or family member.

The app usage feature allows parents to monitor the apps their kids are using and prevent the download of certain apps. There is nothing your children can hide from you with this app because even when they attempt to download a blocked app, you will receive a notification. Click here for a three-day free trial.

You can keep an eye on how your kids are using apps through the daily report system for app usage which is sent directly to your phone. The report will let you know how many times a specific app has been accessed throughout the day.

Parents are provided with information that signals addictive behavior, so if your child is continuously using a certain app, it will create an alert.

The screen time functionality allows parents to set a time limit for app usage. This enables you to restrict access during homework time, bedtime, mealtime, or family time. It also provides information about how long your kids spend in general using their devices.

Steps to set screen time control using FamiSafe

1. Download FamiSafe from the Apple app store.

2. Set up a parent's account on your phone, and kids' account on theirs. After the registration process, you can select the appropriate settings on your child’s device.

3. Connect your phone to your child’s phone through the same account.

4. Follow the steps to initiate parental control.

Check this screen time user guide for more detailed steps

  • Location Tracking & Geo-fencing
  • App Blocker
  • Web Filtering
  • Screen Time Control
  • Smart Parental Control Setting

Now that you have set a time limit on your kids’ phone with a kid’s timer app, there are other practical steps that you can take to ensure that your children don’t spend all their time staring at a screen.

Other Practical steps to control kids' sreen time

1. Set an Example:

Children become products of their environment, and if you are constantly scrolling through your phone, what right have you got to tell your kids not to do the same? Limit the amount of time you spend on your phone when your children are around, and they will soon follow suit.

2. Enforce the Rules:

In some households, the kids make the rules and not the parents, in such instances, tough love might be your only option. Enforce the rules concerning phone time, and if they are broken, administer the appropriate punishment.

3. Other Activities:

One of the reasons why children spend so much time on the phone is because they are bored. Spend more time doing activities such as board games, reading, playing sports, and arts and crafts with your kids.

4. Get Involved:

It’s easy to put your kids in front of a screen while you sort out your affairs. But without speaking to and listening to your children, you will never have an emotional connection with them which pushes them deeper into the online world.

5. Set Clear Expectations:

Children are good at manipulating their parents and will often find ways to get out of abiding by the rules. Let your kids know that you mean business by setting clear expectations about the time allowed to spend on devices, and refuse to compromise.

Kids Timer App: The Best Way to Control Kids Time on iPhone and iPad

6. No Devices in Certain Rooms:

If your kids have a habit of bringing their devices to the dining table during meal times, put a stop to it. You can also enforce the rule that they can’t use devices while alone in their bedroom. This sends the message that screens are not to take priority in their lives.

7. Confiscate Devices at Bedtime:

Since most children sleep in their room, bedtime is the perfect opportunity for them to get on the phone. This leads to interrupted sleep patterns which have a ripple effect of not being able to concentrate in school and bad grades. The best way to prevent this is to take all devices from your children before they go to sleep.

Finally, you must establish boundaries with your children so that they can enjoy using their devices safely. Using a kid’s timer app or an iPad timer app, and other monitoring tactics to control your kids’ online activities is going to cause some friction in the household. Kids may resent this approach, and some of them even learn ways to fake screen time lower. Therefore, you must teach them the right way to use computers, different apps, and the internet. You should also spend time making them aware of the dangers, risks, and consequences of misuse, making it clear that you are installing parental control tools to protect them.

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Thomas Jones

chief Editor