How Much Time Your Kids Waste on iPhone
app to monitor iphone usage
- Parent Monitoring Tips
- Monitoring Apps
- Social Media Parental Control
Jan 20, 2025 Filed to: Phone Monitoring Proven solutions
The average amount a kid spends on his/her iPhone is really alarming news. It has been found in the recent studies that a normal kid younger than 9 has their own iPhone or any other smartphone or tablet. The time spent by the kids on mobile phones was only up to 15 minutes in 2013, but in 2018, the time has increased up to 2 hours a day. The time that the kids waste on their iPhone is becoming a major concern for every parent. That's the same reason that parents are relying on best iPhone monitoring app to keep a track of their kids.
Kids under 9 Spend almost 2 hours a Day on their Phone:
There is also an app to monitor iPhone usage in iPhone but for it, every parent has to access their kid's phone. Well, providing their kids with the latest technology is also a parent's decision. They are the reason that their kids have an iPhone, tablet or any other smartphone before they are a teenager. The ubiquity of mobile is changing the childhood of every single kid in this world who has a mobile phone.
Today, kids spend most of their time on electronic devices such as smartphones and computers. The craze of mobile devices is increasing day by day for kids. Instead of spending precious time on studies, they spend on useless apps on their iPhone. Many types of research show that the amount of time that kids spend on their iPhone is increasing every year. At present, 8 years old kids have their own tablets and mobile devices. It is very common to find a kid using an iPhone in various places such as restaurants and shopping malls. Rather spending time with a person who is sitting behind them, kids talk with a distant person through their smart devices.
The mobile technology such as iPhone has gained a huge popularity all over the world. Many kids like the iPhone features and they demand iPhone devices from their parents. Mobile devices have become an essential part of the kid's life. For them, it is very precious things that they do not want to lose at any cost. Now, it becomes very difficult to estimate the future of kids related to mobile technology. If today generation kids give high priority to a smartphone, then what will happen in future. It becomes very important for parents that they should restrict their kids from using a smartphone in order to protect their kids from mobile technology.
However, many parents think that when their children use a smartphone, then it helps their kids to enhance memory skills. In many countries, it becomes a trend for parents to give an iPhone to their children at a very small age. But, parents do not know how this trend can affect their kids badly. When parents provide a full control of the device to their kids, then at one stage, their kids become addicted to this devices. Then, it becomes very hard for the kids to restrict the use of iPhone. IN such cases, many people recommends the parents to use parental control apps to monitor their iphone usage.
FamiSafe - The best iPhone Monitoring App to Help You Monitor iPhone Usage
To put a limit to your kid's phone usage you must consider using the FamiSafe Parental Control app to monitor iPhone usage, track kid's locations, screen time control, and scheduling the usage of iPhone. The FamiSafe app is one of the most reliable apps to establish a proper control over the kids. Whether your kid is in the school, or at home, you can do your parenting job easily with just an app. That's why is said that FamiSafe isn't just an app it is a complete parenting solution.
The various features of FamiSafe will help the parents to prevent their kids from being addicted to their iPhone. The featured are described below:
- Real-time location tracking and Geofencing: It will track the kid's whereabouts accurately and also saves the location history to make sure that they have not been any unusual place. The Geofencing feature sets a boundary like a perimeter which acts as a safe zone for the kids. If the kids get out of that safety zone, the parents will receive an alert or a notification regarding their location.
- App blocker: The best iPhone monitoring app feature will allow the parents to block any app which they see unfit for their kid. If not a permanent block, you can block the apps temporarily at night time, or school time, etc.
- Web Content Filtering: As the internet contains good content used for information, it also contains bad content used for immoral tasks. Using the FamiSafe will prevent the kids from accessing inappropriate content such as porn sites, violent games, gambling apps, etc.
- Screen Time Control: Parentswill be able to put a stop to the phone usage during bedtime, the school time or any other time when they are not supposed to use their phone.
- Flexible Remote Control and Personalization Setting: this feature will make sure that you don't even need to touch your kid's phone to change various settings. You can flexibly do it with your own phone.
It is not hard to conclude that the use of an iPhone at a small age have a different impact on the kid's mind. Instead of doing something creative that enhance their skills and values, the kids are getting addicted to stupid games and social media apps. It is a parent's duty that they ensure their kid is not exposed to any content which is unethical, wrong and irrelevant according to their age. You can rely on the best iPhone monitoring app completely for this job, which is FamiSafe. The FamiSafe app will provide a specified way to keep your kid safe from the detrimental content and block their iPhone usage. You can easily download this app from the app store and give it a try.
Thomas Jones
chief Editor