Best Parental Control Apps to Monitor iPhone
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Best Parental Control Apps to Monitor Your Kid's iPhone

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The internet is one of the best ways for a child to gain knowledge. However, it is also full of dangers.

Many children have iPhones and use them to access apps and websites. Parents worry about the explicit content within them.

However, they are a challenge to weed out, so parents need a reliable parental control app to monitor iPhone. Here are ten of the best ones.

What are Parental Controls?

Mobile devices and the Internet can benefit children in many ways but are also dangerous. Parental control features within them allow parents to restrict their children's access to explicit content. They can limit the applications or websites viewable to children. These may be ones that are not age-appropriate or too distracting.

Parental controls fall into four categories namely:

  • Usage Controls, which limit the use of these devices to specific times and places
  • Monitoring, which tracks a child's location and activity
  • Computer Usage Management tools, which restrict the use of software

Parental Control apps to monitor the iPhone will fall into the first three categories.

Why you need a Parent Control App to Monitor iPhone

Some parents mistakenly think that teens have restricted access to technology. However, studies show that nearly 81% of teenagers have a smartphone. Thankfully, only 34% of them have access to tablets.

Furthermore, they may think that their children are not engaging in dangerous behavior or talking to strangers online. About 77% of them have social media accounts. Restricted content and images are readily available on social media.

Keeping an eye on children and teens is not easy, as they have ways to avoid prying eyes. A reliable Parent Control App can offer protection.

Best Parental Control Apps to Monitor Your Kid's iPhone

Which are the Parental Control Apps that will keep your child safe when he uses his iPhone?

1. FamiSafe iPhone Parental Control

Use this application if you want to guarantee the safety of your child. It is a holistic Parental Control App that you can use on iPhones or Android phones. All you have to do is install it on your child's phone before handing it to him.

FamiSafe allows parents to check the browsing history on their children's phones. Find out the places your child went to, and how long he spent there. You will also discover the sites he used, and when he visited them.

Best Parental Control Apps to Monitor Your Kid's iPhone

Also, you can preset the times your child cannot use his phone. e.g., Bedtime or during school hours. Setting keyword alerts will prompt FamiSafe to warn you if your child is looking for explicit content. Reviewing these details will allow you to guarantee your child's safety.

FamiSafe is undoubtedly the most intuitive Parental Control App. However, there are other apps that you can use to track your child's whereabouts.

A Reliable and Handy Parental Control App

famisafe iphone parental control famisafe android parental control
  • Location Tracking & Geo-fencing
  • App Blocker & Web Filtering
  • Web Filtering
  • Screen Time Control
  • Smart Parental Control Setting

2. Qustodio Parental Control for iPhone

Qustodio is a Parental Control app that supports PCs< Macs and mobile devices. It offers web content filtering, app blocking, and an activity log.

Best Parental Control Apps to Monitor Your Kid's iPhone

The benefit of this app is that it works across multiple devices. However, its IOS edition has limited features. Furthermore, parents will only receive text notifications if their children cross boundaries.

Price: USD 45.00

3. Kaspersky Parental Control App

Kaspersky is another parental control app that works across multiple devices. It blocks apps and tracks locations. It has geofencing and time management capabilities as well.

Best Parental Control Apps to Monitor Your Kid's iPhone

There no limit to the number of profiles a parent can set up, and parents have flexible control of usage time. However, it does not offer call or text monitoring on IOS devices.

Price: USD 15

4. Boomerang

Boomerang provides all the functionality that a parental control app should have. Parents can set up geofences, monitor websites, and track locations.

Best Parental Control Apps to Monitor Your Kid's iPhone

However, it only works on mobile devices. Furthermore, it doesn't track social media use.

Price: USD 12 per year

5. Norton Family Premier

This app allows parents to supervise their children across multiple devices. Parents can monitor how their children use their phones from their web portal or a standalone app.

Best Parental Control Apps to Monitor Your Kid's iPhone

This app encourages parents to communicate the need for parental monitoring with their teens. There is no limit on the devices on which it can work. Parents can track all their children's activities. It is also affordable.

However, do not use this app if you are a Mac user as it does not work well on Macs.

Price: USD 49.99 per year

6. Net Nanny Parental Control

This Parental Control App also works across most devices. It offers reliable content filtering and time scheduling abilities.

Best Parental Control Apps to Monitor Your Kid's iPhone

The huge disadvantage of this app is that there are no recent updates. Also, it does not work very well on iPhones and iPads.

Price: USD 40

7. Locategy Parental Control

This Parent Control app works on mobile phones, but not on desktops. Location tracking is its best feature. It also offers simple app blocking.

Best Parental Control Apps to Monitor Your Kid's iPhone

A huge plus of this app is that it tracks a child's movements accurately. It can be inconvenient, however, because it offers no support for PCs or Macs.

Price: USD 20

8. Family Time Parental Control

The developers of Family Time catered it for mobile phone use. Hence, it supports IOS and Android devices. It works to stop a child from befriending shady characters online.

Best Parental Control Apps to Monitor Your Kid's iPhone

This app works well on a mobile phone. Also, it offers efficient web filtering and location tracking features. Family Time is also a relatively powerful App Blocker. You can also use it to track your child's activities.

However, it is quite expensive. Also, its Geofencing feature only works when there is a cellular connection.

9. PhoneSheriff Parental Control

This Parent Control App gives parents nearly all the tools they need to monitor their children's activities. It allows parents to limit the time their kids spend on their phones.

Best Parental Control Apps to Monitor Your Kid's iPhone

You can set up whitelists and blacklists of phone numbers - the first being the ones your child should call in the event of an emergency, and the second being those he should avoid dialing.

PhoneSheriff monitors phone browsers well. It also monitors texting activity.

However, it doesn't track a child's social media activities. It is difficult to install, and blocking websites is quite a task.

10. Eset Parental Control

This app offers web filtering and time limiting features. It also tracks the location of a phone.

Best Parental Control Apps to Monitor Your Kid's iPhone

This app is easy to configure. Setting up web filters and time limits are simple as well. It offers unlimited support for Android users and tracks locations quickly.

However, it does not offer location logs, so you cannot track where your child has visited before. Also, you cannot focus on time limits on different apps. In all, all these apps are viable parental monitoring solutions. However, FamiSafe, with its efficient app blocking, location tracking, and web filtering features, exceeds all of them.

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Thomas Jones

chief Editor