The Best Parental Control Software | FamiSafe
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The Best Parental Control Software

Best Computer Parental Control Software

Internet crimes are increasing day by day and it is a major concern for parents how to protect their kids from these internet threats. However, they cannot stop the internet crimes, but they can use parental control software for restricting their kid’s from using the excess internet. There are various parental control apps on the internet. Here, in this article, we have mentioned the reliable and robust parent control software.

The Best Parental Control Software 2020

What can computer parental control software do for us?

With the use of parental control software, every concern parents monitor the kid’s activities on their phone. Sometimes, kids are very addicted to browsing internet sites. Some types of sites are not providing the appropriate content for the users. Inappropriate content is not useful for kids. If your kid’s using a mobile phone to access the online social sites, then you need to know about social sites which type of content browsing on kid’s phone. With the best parental control software, parents easily set up control over kid’s activities such as location, browsing history, call logs, messages, and many others. FamiSafe is one of the best parental control software for concerned parents.

10 Best Computer Parental Control Software

Sometimes, parents are worried about kid’s online activities. If your kids are addicted to using online social apps, browse the website, and other online activities, then you need to set up better parental control. There is 10 best computer parental control software that provides better control features for you.

1. K9 Web Protection

K9 web protection is one of the best parental control apps for setting up better parent control over kid’s activities. If you want to access kid’s location, browser history, or other activities, the K9 Web Protection is one of the best solutions for you. This app is compatible with Windows, Android, and also iPhone.

The Best Parental Control Software 2020 - SafeDNS


  • Real-time location.
  • Set up time restrictions.


  • This app is reliable and error-free installation.


  • You cannot block some browser and youtube.

2. Qustodio

If you want to set up parental control, then the Qustodio is free apps for you. This app is easily compatible with Windows, Android, and iPhone. You can easily download this app from its official website through this link. There are some features such as:

Parental Control App for Windows - Qustodio

  • Filter website content.
  • Access real-time location.
  • Block social apps.


  • Use a time scheduler for internet usage.


  • No gaming control feature.

3. SocialShield

If you concerned about your kid’s activity on the social platform, then you can easily download the SocialShield parental control app. This app supports all windows version and easily download from the official website.

Top Ten Parental Control Software - SocialShield


  • Access to social media activities.
  • Monitor real-time updates remotely.


  • Protect kids from cyberbullying.


  • No remote control over activities.

4. Windows Live Family Safety

The Windows Live Family Safety app is one of the best parental control apps. You can easily free download this app for all versions of Windows. If you want to download, then you can go through the official website and download it. There are some features such as:

Parental Control Software for Windows 10 - Windows Live Family Safety

  • Set Screen time limit.
  • Access real-time location.


  • Web Content Filtering.


  • Another control depends on the windows version.

5. Norton Online Family

This parental control software is one of the best for parental control. With this app, you can easily access the kid’s online activities such as time tracking, monitor web history, location, and many others. This app is currently compatible with various OS such as Windows, iOS, and Android and downloads from the official website. Features such as:

Parental Control Software for PC - Norton Online Family

  • Set time restrictions.
  • Access location.
  • Monitor Social Media apps.


  • More features available in the free version.


  • This app does not support Mac.

6. Family Shield

This tool is available free of cost for parental control. The main feature of this app, automatically block websites or filter content on a real-time basis. If you want to download a free parental control app from the official website.

Best Online Parental Control Software - Family Shield

  • Automatically block websites.
  • Monitor various activities such as phone calls, messages, and others.


  • This app offers a more reliable and secure feature for users.


  • There are no app blocker or screen time features.

7. Kidlogger

Kidlogger is one best free parental control app. This app is compatible with various OS versions such as Android, iOS, and Windows. You can easily access your kid’s online activities through this app. If you want to download and install the Kidlogger app, then visit the official website.

Parental Control App for Mac - Kidlogger


  • Monitor Web History.
  • Take a screenshot of the computer screen.


  • This app is available free of cost and monitors 5 devices.


  • This app has no time control feature.

8. Net Nanny

This app is the best parental control app. If you want parental control over kid’s activities, then you can easily access kid’s phone activities such as location, web history, and many others. This app is easily compatible with Android, Windows, and Mac. If you want to download and install Net Nanny parental control software, then visit the official website.

Parental Control Tool for Android - Net Nanny


  • Better monitor all activities.
  • Internet filtering.
  • Monitor Social Media.


  • With this app, easily block all content.


  • No feature of social media monitoring.

9. Mobicip

If you want to set up better parental control online, then choose the best parental control app. The Mobicip is one of the best parental control app that allows accessing location, web browser history, and other activities. This app is easily compatible with windows, Android, iOS version. You can easily download or install it from the official website.

best free parental control software for android - mobicip


  • Set time limits for internet usage.
  • Monitor all activities.


  • Provide a better content filter feature.


  • No real-time parental alert.

10. SafeDNS

With this app, you can easily filter inappropriate websites and content. You can filter out the inappropriate content and websites that are connected with your home network. You can easily download and install from the official website and block inappropriate websites.

Recommended Parental Control for computer - SafeDNS


  • Filter inappropriate websites and content.


  • Time scheduler is limiting the usage of the internet.

Set parental control on Kid's Android or iPhone

FamiSafe is the best free Parental Control Software for Android and iPhone. If you are searching for the best parental control app for monitoring the kid’s activities, then Famisafe is the best option for you. The FamiSafe Parental Control is the best Android parental control software in 2020. With this software, concerned parents, control over the kid’s phone activities such as access to social sites, web history, and many other functions operate on phones. This software will allow the parents to have control over their kid’s phone secretly.

FamiSafe Parental Control

Features of FamiSafe Parental Control Software such as:

  • Block Apps: With the use of this app, you can easily block inappropriate websites or apps from your kid’s phones.
  • Parental lock during a period of time: If you want to set a time limit on kids' phone screens, then you can easily set parental lock during a period of time.
  • Remotely Control: You can easily access the kid’s mobile phone activities through remote control access.
  • Track real-time location: With the FamiSafe app, you can easily track the real-time location of kids. FamiSafe provides the real-time location of your kid’s.
  • Geo-fencing: The FamiSafe parental app provides the Geo-fencing feature. With the Geofencing feature, parents set up boundaries around the kids. If a kid cross to boundaries, then parent get notification alert.

A Reliable and Handy Parental Control App

famisafe iphone parental control famisafe android parental control
  • Location Tracking & Geo-fencing
  • App Blocker & Web Filtering
  • Web Filtering
  • Screen Time Control
  • Smart Parental Control Setting

Every concerned parent wants to set up the best parental control software for accessing all activities of a kid’s phone. With this parental control app, you can easily access real-time location, web browsing history, block websites, and many others.

FamiSafe is the best option for making better parental control over the kid’s activities. If you want to download free a FamiSafe parental control app, then you can easily download from the Apple App Store or Play Store and easily access the kid’s location or other activities.

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Thomas Jones

chief Editor