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Sexting and Sextortion: Why Parents Should Worry about It?

 Sexting and sextortion are growing concerns for parents across the country. With technology becoming more and more advanced, it's no surprise that sexting has become a popular way for people to communicate. But what many parents don't know is that sexting can lead to sextortion, which can be very dangerous for their children.


Sexting is a term most parents have never heard of, but they should be worried about it. Sexting is the act of sending sexually explicit messages or photos electronically, and it's becoming increasingly common among teenagers. What's even more alarming is sextortion—when someone uses sexting images to blackmail another person into performing sexual acts.


In this article, we will discuss sexting and sextortion in detail and explain why parents should be worried about it.

In this article

Part 1: What Is Sexting? Why It's Popular Among Teens?

As children grow and develop, their interest in sex and relationships increases. It's only natural for them to start exploring their sexuality and wanting to express themselves sexually. Sexting is a popular way for teens to do this. Sexting is the act of sending sexually explicit messages or photos electronically, typically via text message. Teens use various social media apps like Facebook, Snapchat, and WhatsApp to send sexts, just like regular text messages.


Teens may send sexually explicit texts for a variety of reasons. They might be attempting to build intimacy with their boyfriend or girlfriend, win the affection of a crush, or make jokes. Others may feel compelled to sext due to threats from their partners that they will break up with them if they don't provide nudes or sexually explicit photos or videos of them.


Some may believe that these actions are superfluous, but the statistics show that minors are sexting or being exposed to sexting at very young ages, and teens are doing it in record numbers. For these reasons, parents should discuss the significant dangers and consequences of this behavior with their children.


According to a recent survey on children and sexting:


  • Over 40% of children are exposed to sexting when they reach 14.
  • More than one in 10 kids aged eight have been exposed to sexting.
  • The percentage of children exposed to sexting has increased considerably, especially among younger youngsters. Around 15.5% of girls aged eight and above are subjected to sexting, as opposed to 5.9% of boys the same age.
  • 24% of children of 13-year-olds were asked to send nudes


Sexting has popular among teenagers due to its convenience and secrecy. The practice has become more common with the rise in camera phone ownership and access to social media sites.


There are many reasons why teenagers might engage in sexting. Some do it as a form of flirting, to feel attractive or desirable, or to gain attention from someone they are attracted to. For some teens, sexting can be a way to explore their sexuality without having actual sexual contact. And for others, it may be seen as a way to be provocative or rebellious.


That said, sexting can have serious consequences. If a sext is circulated without the sender's consent, it can lead to humiliation and embarrassment. In some cases, it can even be considered child pornography if the person in the photo is under 18. This can have profound legal implications, including being placed on the sex offender registry.


So why do teenagers continue to engage in sexting despite the risks? Many teens believe that sexting is a safe way to express their sexuality. They may also feel pressure to send sexts as a way to fit in or be popular. And because of the secrecy and convenience of mobile phones, they may not realize the potential consequences of their actions.


Part 2: Sexting Can Lead To Serious Consequences

Most teens fail to realize that sexting can have serious consequences. If a sext is circulated without the sender's consent, it can lead to humiliation and embarrassment. The consequences can be academically, socially, as well as emotionally devastating.


In some cases, it can even be considered child pornography if the person in the photo is under 18. This can have serious legal implications, including being placed on the sex offender registry.


Here are some serious consequences of sexting


  1. Personal privacy leak


Once a sext is sent, the sender has no control over who sees it. The recipient can take a screenshot of the photo and send it to others. And once it's out there, it's impossible to get back. This can lead to personal privacy being violated and the sext being circulated without the sender's consent. This can be humiliating and embarrassing and can lead to social ostracism.


  1. Legal consequences


Sexting can also have legal implications. If the person in the sext is under 18, it may be considered child pornography. And if it's circulated without the person's consent, it may be considered revenge porn. This can have serious legal implications, including being placed on the sex offender registry.


  1. Emotional consequences


Sexting can also have emotional consequences. For example, the sender may feel regret or shame after sending a sext. And if the sext is circulated without consent, the person may feel humiliated and exposed. This can lead to social anxiety and isolation and can be emotionally devastating.


  1. Family location leak


Another serious consequence of sexting is that it can lead to the leak of family location. If a sext contains information about where the sender is, their home address, or school, this can be used to find and stalk them. This can put the whole family at risk and have devastating consequences.


  1. Sextortion


However, the biggest and most severe consequence of sexting is sextortion. Sextortion is a form of sexual assault and can have lasting psychological effects.


So parents, talk to your kids about sexting and the negative consequences it can have. Sexting is not a harmless act. It's essential to educate your children about the risks to make informed decisions about their own sexting behavior.


Here is an article about the same topic:

What parents should do about teen sexting

Part3: What's Sextortion and Why Teens Should Be Worried About It

Sextortion is when someone uses sexting images to blackmail another person into performing sexual acts. This can be done by threatening to share the photos with the person's friends or family if they don't comply. Sextortion is a form of sexual assault and can have lasting psychological consequences. "Sextortion," which was relatively uncommon a few years ago, has become so widespread that the FBI considers it a major concern for today's teenagers.


Teens should be especially aware of sextortion because predators often target them. Sextortion can lead to humiliation, social ostracism, and emotional devastation. And it can also have legal consequences, including being placed on the sex offender registry.


Recently, in the UK, Luke, 20, befriended a woman on Instagram and started sexting with her. Later, he realized that the woman he was chatting with was somebody else and was most likely from a porn website. After he ended all communication, the scammers sent Luke a worrisome message saying they had a video of him masturbating. Then, unless he pays them $450 (£345), they threatened to send it to friends and family on Facebook and Instagram. 


Part 4: Safety Tips When Sexting

If you're going to sext, you can take some safety measures to minimize the risks.

  1. Only sext with someone you trust

This will help to ensure that your sexts don't end up in the wrong hands. Be aware of the potential consequences of sexting. Sexting can have serious implications for both the sender and the recipient. So think twice before hitting send.


  1. Don't include any identifying information in your sexts

This includes your name, address, school, or any other personal information. Avoid using real or the same name across social media platforms and dating apps. Save all sexts in a safe and secure place. Use a unique nickname that only your sext partner/s know.


  1. Sexting can also lead to the leak of family location

If a sext contains information about where the sender is, their home address, or school, this can be used to find and stalk them. This can put the whole family at risk and have devastating consequences. So it's essential to protect your personal data on social media.


  1. Use an app that allows you to control how long your sexts are viewable

This way, even if your sexts are circulated without your consent, they will only be viewable for a limited time. Using the FamiSafe app to block inappropriate pictures and sexting words is also a great way to prevent sexting. FamiSafe app can not only detect and filter out sexting messages but also set screen time limits, track GPS location, and more on your kid's phone.


  1. Keep in mind that sexting is never completely private or anonymous

Even if you delete your sexts, they can still be recovered. So don't sext anything you wouldn't want to be made public.


  1. Seek help if you're sextorted

And finally, if you are being blackmailed or coerced into sexting, tell a trusted adult immediately. Sextortion is a form of sexual assault, and you shouldn't have to deal with it alone.


Part 5: FAQs

  1. What can parents do about sexting?


Parents can discuss the dangers of sexting and do everything to discourage it, considering legal punishments. However, they should also keep the lines of communication open with their children so that if anything does happen, their child feels comfortable coming to them for help.


  1. What are the three consequences of sexting?


The first consequence of sexting is guilt. Young people often feel guilty after sending and receiving explicit messages. Second, there are potential legal consequences. Sexting can be interpreted as child pornography that could lead to arrests and charges if children under 18 distribute or receive sexual images, even if they're of themselves. Third, sexting can damage relationships and lead to sextortion. And if photos get out more widely, it can be humiliating and embarrassing.


  1. What are sexting and sextortion?


Sexting is the sending of sexually explicit messages or images by text, email, or other electronic means. Sextortion is the use of sexting to blackmail someone into doing something sexual or to obtain sexual photos or videos of the person. It can also involve threatening to expose someone's intimate images or videos to others.


  1. Is sexting harmless?


There is no consensus on whether sexting is harmful or not. Some people believe that it can lead to risky behavior, such as unprotected sex. Others believe that sexting can be a safe way to explore one's sexuality. The main thing to remember is that sexting should be consensual, and both parties should be comfortable with the activity. If you are thinking about sexting, make sure you are doing it with someone you trust, and practice safe sexting (such as using a secure app).


  1. How common is sexting teenagers?


It is difficult to answer the question, as it can't be determined how many teenagers are sexting. However, it is known that many young people are using dating apps and other social networking sites to find partners for sexts.


  1. Why do teens like sexting so much?


There are a few possible reasons. One is that sexting can feel like an empowering way to express sexuality and take control of their own sexual image. It can also be seen as a way to flirt or get attention from someone they're attracted to. Plus, it can be thrilling and exciting to share risqué photos or videos with someone they like or are infatuated with. Another possibility is that some teens might see sexting as a way to fit in or feel popular. With social media being such a big part of many teens' lives, it's not surprising that some would want to engage in activities that are seen as cool or trendy.




Sexting can be a fun and harmless way to flirt with someone you're interested in. But it's essential to be aware of the risks so you can make informed decisions about your own sexting behavior. By following these safety tips, you can help to minimize the risks associated with sexting. But it's important to remember that sexting is never completely safe. There is always a potential for your sexts to be circulated without your consent or for them to be used to blackmail you. So proceed with caution and make sure you are comfortable with the risks before you hit


What are your thoughts on sexting? Have you ever sexted before? Let us know in the comments below! And be sure to check out our other blog post on sexting safety tips.  

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Joanne Croft

staff Editor