Reddit review for parents
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Reddit review for parents: what are the dangers of Reddit

kids' reddit review for parents

What is Reddit?

Popularly regarded as the front page to the internet, Reddit app is simply a social news website with specialized discussion boards. Its users get the pleasure to choose from debates, news, or any other fun-filled category that lets them detect trending subjects ahead of others on the block. These topics are handled in further smaller message boards known as subreddits each tackling a single topic.

Participants in this app contribute by submitting any content in any form such as text, articles, images, videos, and links among other content. Many Reddit app reviews report that this act makes it an enormous site where everyone can literally interact with strangers.

So here is the deal!

You are either rising at the top or going down. Yes! Thats how it works here at Reddit. As soon as a participant posts any content, other users begin to vote in two ways; upvote or downvote. So, if your content is popular, youll rise to the top and vice versa.

What age is Reddit for

Reddit opens its doors to anyone to visit the site and browse through the trendy content. You just click a link that you find interesting and boom! Read through. However, you must sign up to participate in the community. This is either by voting, making your posts, and commenting on others posts.

The sign-up is free and kids tend to get their way through. When it comes to official age rating, the site recommends age 13+ for participants. And despite the many juggles within, kids still manage to find something worthwhile. They can create, play, connect, or learn via this app.

Its true; any Reddit app review reveals that this app is a gold mine for memes and shoots any upcoming information before it lands on any other page like the Buzzfeed, Facebook, and other popular sites. In fact, any kid who spends their time on Reddit knows what the next big probable thing is before it lands on any other forum or site.

But come to think of it. Isnt this worrying especially to parents? That again leaves us with the question of whether Reddit is safe for kids. In our next sub-topic, lets unravel some of the dangers that kids may come across in the quest of acquiring any cooking information before it gets out of the frying pan.

Is Reddit safe for kids

With hundreds of millions of users and visitors, Reddit still has a lot to do with kids safety. Its safety on kids is doubtable with such many strangers who can literally strike any kind of conversation. On Reddit, anything goes in; here are some dangers that your kid may be prone to.

  • Cyberbullying

is reddit safe for kids - cyberbullying

Meeting people of all walks in an online platform has high consequences of bullying. And with down votes, a kid may feel demoralized. Furthermore, other users may use that opportunity to say mean things in the comment and look down upon such an individual, leading to mistreatments.

  • Sexual content and nudity

is reddit safe - sexual content

Again, being an open-source for both adults and kids, sexual explicit ranks high. From East to West, kids can stumble into an explicit content or a link that redirects them to content thats not appropriate to them. Other users may also lure kids into sexuality by posting nude photos and other sexual content.

reddit app review

  • Fantasy violence

Kids love to hang around cartoons. Its no different with this app as per some Reddit app reviews. It is in such cartoon games that violence is likely to occur. Some games are geared towards violence, exposing your kid to unnecessary fights with other kids over simple loosing and winning games.

  • Drug and crime

is reddit safe for kids - drug and crime

Just bear in mind that everyone who visits an already crowded place does not necessarily have to bring good tidings. Some want to exploit others by introducing them to crime and drug abuse. Your kid faces such dangers so long as they deal with strangers who dont have your kids interest in their hearts.

  • Horror and fear themes

is reddit safe to stream - horro and fear thems

Your kid is not prepared for what lies ahead. He is, therefore, likely to stamp into an image that will instill fear and horror in him. Such videos or images are mostly unavoidable to a large extent. And given that the subreddits bear all sorts of information, text, images and much more, it becomes a challenge and threat to horror themes.

Short negative reviews from Common Sense Media Reddit app review:

  • Sexy stuff

Early in January, one parent reported that this app is full of porn and violent subreddits. He showed concern that this app suits users of 18+ and that you dont even need an account to view adult content.

  • Violence and hatred

Some comments here are so mean. This app promotes hatred as one parent reports when her kid was verbally assaulted. She says it is just terrible people all and all, very negative.

  • Bullying

Another parents are worried about how other users bully kids and teens. He went further to warn parents not to allow kids and teens to usethe site as it is contributing to teen suicides.

Does Reddit have parental control?

According to the Protect Young Eyes Reddit app review, this app has parental controls. There are a couple of options that enable parents to control what their young ones see on the internet. Parents can use the NSFW Not safe For Work by toggling it to OFF on their kids device to block any explicit content that isnt safe for all ages.

Likewise, the NSFL Not Safe For Life feature when turned off, will deter your kid from seeing any horrific content.

Even with these options, it is still not 100% effective because what a parent perceives to be horrific or explicit may not be to a Reddit moderator. So, some parents opt that their kids dont have access to Reddit at all.

How to give better parental control on Reddit?

Even though some parents find it necessary to block their kids from the Reddit app, remember that despite the few or many explicit contents that go around it, there are other useful educational contents that kids can explore to better themselves. Use these three options for better parental control.

  • Subscribe to Subreddits

Remember any category of content is grouped into subreddits. You can subscribe to the kind of information that would love your kid to partake in. It will also help you to keep track of what your kid is reading on Reddit.

  • Password protect your kids device

Take the bull by the horn and control your kids device. You can allow your kid to use Reddit but only when you grant permission. iPhone makes it easy with the Family Sharing feature. Set up this so that you guarantee when your kid wants to visit the Reddit app.

  • Use a parental control app

A third-party app can do more than what you imagine. They are a source of a monitoring service that can detect many issues ranging from cyberbullying, adult content, threats of violence, and many more issues. We are pleased to introduce the FamiSafe parental control app which is compact with well-advanced utilities for your kids safety. Use it to detect inappropriate content on your kids phone, to locate real-time and even control the screen time.

  • Web Filtering
  • Location Tracking & Geo-fencing
  • App Blocker & App Activity Report
  • Screen Time Limit & Schedule
  • Explicit Content & Suspicious Photos Detection

FamiSafe Main Features

FamiSafe Parental Control App

  • App block Usage

It is worrying when your kid starts to access explicit content such as pornographic materials from the internet. This feature is apt at blocking any unhealthy information that may hinder your childs normal development. You can see how much time your child spends on various apps to guide you on which apps to block depending on their content. This app will also send you an instant warning whenever your child tries on a blocked app.

FamiSafe App Blocker

  • Activity Report

With this app, you dont have to be on your kids neck or setting unnecessary passwords. This feature will enable you to remotely monitor your kids daily phone activities. By this, you can take the full control of the latest apps that your kid installs or uninstalls. Its again from this point that you can have proper communication with your kid to know the motive behind uninstalling various apps. They might have experienced cyberbullying or are being forced into some bad habits like drug abuse.

FamiSafe Activity Report Feature

  • Browser History & Web Filter

You can also remotely view your kids internet history to create a conducive environment online. Simply identify sites with dangerous materials and filter them out. You can also block sites that allow explicit content and get notifications when you add such content to your Whitelist.

FamiSafe Feature - Browser History

Giving your child access to Reddit equates to allowing them to watch almost everything on the internet. Even with some noble deeds like gaming and learning, there is still an absolute chance to be exposed to explicit content. Check out from any Reddit app review and youll be quick to learn that kids can start with what seems to be innocent stuff but slowly fall into more questionable materials that are not ideal for their ages. Its for this reason that you should engage a trustworthy parental control app to help you in controlling what your kid accesses from the internet.

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Thomas Jones

chief Editor