Monkey App Review for Parents: Should Kids use it?
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Monkey App Review for Parents: Is It Safe for Kids?

Monkey App Review for Parents

With advancements in technology and social media platforms, things are becoming more and more difficult for parents to ensure that their kids are safe when they are online. While there are several software and apps that can help parents with this, new apps are coming that can pose a serious threat to the kids. One such app, Monkey app, is one such social media craze that is altogether different and making parents worry more. There are several Monkey app review that describes the pros and cons of the app. Monkey app can be described as another social media app but with a Chatroulette functionality in it. With this app, the users can easily accept or decline any video conversation with other users, without knowing the details of the user.

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Usually, this call lasts for 15 seconds, but in case both the users are enjoying the video interaction, they can request to increase the duration of the video interaction. The pairing in this app is usually done by categorizing users based on their age and hashtags and then connecting the link minded users. According to the community guidelines by Monkey app, "This app is all about meeting new and fun people and having a nice time." But here's a catch; the creators of Monkey app have reportedly admitted that they are simply providing a platform through which the registered users can communicate with each other and they are not responsible for the way how people choose to conduct interaction over the platform. And this aspect is quite clear from the below-mentioned excerpt from their Terms of Use, which states that

"You understand that when using the service, you will be exposed to content from a variety of sources, and that monkey squad is not responsible for the accuracy, usefulness, or safety of or relating to such content. You further understand and acknowledge that, while the services are not provided for pornographic purposes or for making sexually explicit content available, you may be exposed to content that you deem to be offensive, indecent, objectionable, or sexually explicit, and you agree to waive and hereby do waive, any legal or equitable rights or remedies you have or may have against monkey squad with respect thereto."

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A digital space is unrestricted as it can't be regulated or audited like any other industry in the real world. If any playground or theme park has dangerous rides or is not good for the kids in any manner, it would be shut down. This poses a serious question as to why apps overlook the safety requirement when they are marketed to young minds. Moreover, it can't be expected from the kids to be responsible for their safety. When kids hear about a new app that opens a new world for them and they realize the fact that they can simply access it without lying or hiding their age, they will simply use it. All this is making the Monkey app so popular among kids. Now it becomes very important for the parents to keep an eye on the online activities of kids. Now let's check some of the features of Monkey app and find out more about Monkey app live chat:

  • For 13+ people but requires no age verification or proof
  • Automatically accepts new matches
  • Easy access to strangers
  • Unsupervised chat functionality
  • No moderation or regulation of the chats between connects
  • Instances of sharing of graphic and nude imagery as well as porn through Monkey app live chat

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There is not even an iota of doubt in the fact that there are several young adults and teenagers out there who are using Monkey app to connect with likeminded strangers, share their thoughts and have some harmless fun, but they are also vulnerable towards really offensive, sexually graphic and illegal content. Monkey app porn is on an all-time high because it simply takes one individual to breach the set "community guidelines". Moreover, if a kid can lie about their age while gaining access to the Monkey app, then the same applies to the lurking online predators. They can simply befriend the young kids and use the platform to brainwash them. Here, many have contradicted that having video chat functionality would stop the online predators from lying about their age, but brainwashing the kids is a cakewalk. Usually, it has been seen that children, especially adolescents, are excited to be in contact with adults who validate them and make them feel desirable and special, thus making them easy prey. All these features make the Monkey app a dangerous app for the kids.

Now we need to discuss what parents can do to safeguard their kids from such apps and predators who use such apps to lure innocent kids.

  • Talk to your kids: Right now it is very important to talk to your kids about the Internet and how to utilize it without exposing themselves to any danger. Tell them clearly about all the dangers as the kids these days are smart enough to know what you are talking about.
  • Keep a check on the activities of kids: As parents, it is very important to keep an eye on the activities of your kids. If you find anything out of the line, ask your kid about it. But don't force anything on them as it can make the situation worse.
  • Give your kids a better alternative: Rather kids exploring the various alternatives on their own, it is better to give them a safer option. Find out an app that is safe for kids and help them explore the world through it.

Here we are going to talk about FamiSafe, an app that is helping parents globally keep a track of their wards' online activities. This app was launched by one of the technological pioneer Wondershare. Being launched by the leaders themselves, this app is quite reliable and is also a known name among parents.

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  • Web Filtering
  • Location Tracking & Geo-fencing
  • App Blocker & App Activity Report
  • Screen Time Limit & Schedule
  • Explicit Content & Suspicious Photos Detection

FamiSafe is basically a parental monitoring app that gives parents an easy way to monitor your kids' location, monitor the apps they use, and keep an eye on their browsing history. Now let us discuss some of the main features of FamiSafe that makes this app such a catch:

    • Geo-fencing and location tracking: FamiSafe enables you to track the location of your kids whenever they are out and prevent them from any danger. This app also allows you to check the location history and find out about the places your kids have been to during the day along with the time. FamiSafe is equipped with Geofencing functionality that alerts you every time your kid steps out of the geographical radius that can be set through the app. In this way, you can ensure that your kid doesn't wander off.

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    • App Usage Monitoring: As parents, you must ensure that your kids' lives aren't dominated by mobile phones and other smart gadgets. This can be easily enforced by using FamiSafe as through this app, you can limit the time of the utilization of certain apps. Apart from this, you can also block the apps for set time. You can also get a complete log of the apps that your kids access.

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    • Monitoring of Web Content: No doubt the Internet is filled with amazing information that can do wonders when utilized carefully, but at the same time it is filled with explicit content and apps like Monkey app porn that can damage the mind of young kids. With FamiSafe, you can find out about the websites that kids access and can easily block such apps and unwanted websites.

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    • Screen Time Monitoring: With FamiSafe's screen time monitoring functionality, you can lock the phone of your kids during a certain time. For example, during their study hours or night time, this feature can be used so that kids aren't distracted in any way.

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With such striking features, FamiSafe is a perfect counterattack for apps like the Monkey app. We have already given you Monkey app review and as a parent, you know that with such apps like Monkey app live chat out there, you need software like FamiSafe that would keep your kids safe and protected, even in the online world.

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Moly Swift

staff Editor