Parent's Guide: is Roblox safe for kids?
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Parent's Guide: is Roblox safe for a child?

Is Roblox Safe for A Child?

Is Roblox safe for kids? According to the survey, one in four kids under the age of six own a smartphone. It implies a quarter population of kids below six own gadgets. They spend more than 21 hours per week on games, social media, etc. It is high time for the parents to take measures to control the gadget activities of the kids.

Roblox is one such attractive site for kids with loads of threatening sources in it. It has an amazing environment with 3D games. Here, the users can create their own games to play and have fun with other players too. You can view a chat space for the kids to interact with fellow unknown users worldwide. This chat platform allows the players to share texts, images, videos, etc.

The users and developers meet in this common platform and play games by choosing from the given list. The list comprises default and created games. Most games comprise of violence like shooting, killing, stabbing, fighting one another. These games are risky for the participants below six. The innocent mind will addict to such violent games easily.


Why do children like Roblox and what age is for Roblox?

Creative Environment:

You all know that creative minds always look for some innovation. Roblox uses this aspect of kids to attract the children towards their website. In this Roblox platform, the children can design their own favorite games according to their desires and imagination. It kindles the creative nature of the kids.

Simple Design Process:

Ease handling of the option during the design process triggers the kid to visit this website often whenever they had their screen time. The frequent visits of the kids assist in widening their knowledge by implementing all the features of Roblox optimally.

Exciting chat room:

Roblox has a chat space coupled with the games. From the kid's perspective, this feature seems to be an exciting one. It led them to interact with strangers related to their favourite topics and spend time having fun with games and unknown friends.

Is Roblox safe for kids? It is safe if the kid's age is 13 and above. It is the age constraint set by the regulatory norms of the Cyberspace department during the website authorization process initially before the launch.

Is it safe for children?

No, definitely, Roblox is not safe for kids. Most threats to cyberspace target these innocent minds because they are vulnerable sources. To survive amidst this mechanical lifestyle, the inability of the parents to spend time with their kids leads to unwanted dangers in the future. According to the research, kids spend more time on gadgets than on television. Internet is a vast ocean comprising of an innumerable collection of games, videos, etc. These immature kids drown into this ocean in no time.

The other side of Roblox

Well, everyone knows about the good side of Roblox, like the one it triggers the creativity of the children, develops a friendship, provides worldwide space to find friends beyond boundaries, etc. Do you have any idea about the dark side of Roblox? You can read through the below findings for a better understanding.

Sexy character icon

The default profile icon seems to be hot girl images with poor attire design on them. The adolescent kids may divert into unwanted thoughts.


Shooting, Killing, and Stabbing

Roblox comprises violent games, which are unfit for kids below 10. Most games instruct the player to kill the co-participants. When the kids play those games consistently, then they will lose their basic humanity characteristic within them. These types of games ruin moral values completely.


Blood and Gun

The games display realistic animations of blood while stabbing and shooting one another. A list of a wide range of gun models along with their detailed description, is available in the games. This data is unnecessary for these pure-hearted kids. Horror games haunt the kid's mind for a longer period and this would ultimately spoil the academic performance of the children.


Internet Reviews

Review 1:


Many players curse and sometimes they act sex act and there is war and hacks that can really mess up your computer. Do not let your kid play and the modes don't do anything about the reports; they only do it for the money.

Review 2:

Users Playing this game cause trouble

Users inside the game bring in profanity and plenty of rude behaviour. It is best to have a safe chat. Services are iffy, and moderation many times fails.

Review 3:

Very addictive

I noticed my son got so addicted to this game! It affected his behaviour and focusing abilities during the day! Had to stop him from playing with it and then everything got back to normal?

Review 4:

Good learning site until it becomes dangerous

Roblox has an anti-parent attitude. When a potentially dangerous situation occurs, they refuse to share needed information with parents. The site is also hacked quite often. Not a safe site for kids


How to make sure the kids are safe with Roblox?

Default checks to ensure the safety of the children

Modifications on the Roblox settings

Go to the Privacy settings on the Roblox platform and make necessary changes to avoid unwanted access from anonymous players. You can also mute the chat feature with the associated games and limit the usage of this website.

Awareness Video

You can play an awareness video related to the threat of video games to your kids. While watching out the video, the children will learn the pros and cons of these games effectively. Instead of taking lectures, you can present your idea via video format for a better understanding.

Transparent signup

You can check out your kid's account on Roblox every now and then to ensure he/she has not been caught in unwanted cyber issues. For transparent signup, you can create a login account for your kid and help him/her to explore this website in a progressive way.

The Exclusive Parental Control App – FamiSafe

FamiSafe is the best solution to deal with this hypothetical question. Roblox is safe for kids only if you have a FamiSafe parental control app. FamiSafe is a remarkable parental app to guide kids on a safe path. The greatest challenge for today's parents is to make their children get rid of gadgets and threatening websites in this cyber world.

A Reliable and Handy Parental Control App

  • Location Tracking & Geo-fencing
  • App Blocker & Web Filtering
  • Web Filtering
  • Screen Time Control
  • Smart Parental Control Setting

This app is available at the official website of the FamiSafe Wondershare website and you can try out its features after successful download. It is the perfect tool to safeguard your children from the threats of internet space.

Features of FamiSafe:

Disable the access to threatening apps

You can make use of FamiSafe to deny access to dangerous apps and websites like Roblox using the "App Block" feature. In this option, you can disable the access by enabling the button respective to specific apps from the list available on your kid's gadget via FamiSafe. Ensure family safety with the FamiSafe tool and cut down access to inappropriate websites.

With the help of the FamiSafe app, you can restrict app usage using the "pp Usage" option. Mark a time limit for every app or game and it becomes inactive as soon as the set time expires. It happens automatically and you can control the usage remotely. This feature avoids unwanted quarreling situations with your children related to gadget usage.

The report related to Gadget Usage

The parent's device receives the "Activity Report" regarding the kid's gadget usage. In this report, you can find various apps and games listed with respect to time. Identify the favourite game of your kid by the maximum time spent on it. Surf through the threats related to that game and you can talk to your kid about the pros and cons of it in a casual way.


Overcome Addiction

Smartphones bring addiction easily amongst the children in no time. The only solution is to set "Screen Time" using FamiSafe to access the child's device remotely. This feature shuts down the device automatically and the kids have no control over it. Parents set the screen time to minimize the use of gadgets.

Design a Smart Schedule for kids

With the help of FamiSafe, parents can design a smart schedule for the day. The parents can make their kids perform the right activity at the right time using this "Smart Schedule" option. It cultivates a disciplined lifestyle for kids.

Access to Browse History

The parents can overlook the web browser history without the knowledge of their kids using FamiSafe. Through this supervision process, the parents can protect their kids from unnecessary cyber issues. You can provide awareness at the right time using the data obtained from the web browser history.

Filters for Adult content

In general, the kid's gadgets are highly prone to adult content and it is the foremost duty of the parents to implement a protective measure. FamiSafe is one such app, which fences the entry of anonymous content from entering into the kid's device. It builds a firewall and safeguards the kid from invisible website monsters.


To protect the kids from this dangerous cyber environment, the parents need awareness regarding internet phantoms. Is Roblox safe for kids? Yes, it is safe if you Install FamiSafe to create a safe platform for your kid. Finally, you got an answer to this question. Allow your kids to explore the internet without any hesitation using this effective app. It is the perfect tool, which brings about the unharmed electronic highway.

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Thomas Jones

chief Editor