A Guide for WOW Parental Controls
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An Useful Parental Guide for WOW Parental Controls

Parental Guide for WOW Parental Controls

Parental Control for War of Warcarft

World of Warcraft is an online multiplayer game in which a gamer can play against other players (either real or virtual). It is the fourth series game in the Warcraft Fantasy Universe, which started in the year 2004 as a subsidiary of battle.net games. In this game, gamers have to fight battles in a first or third-person view in an interesting World of Azeroth.

However, this online game is quite fascinating, graphically engaging, and can be addictive. It also comes with scenes that are quite violent and features explicit content and may not be suitable for less mature Kids. The game also requires you to use credit cards in making subscription payments. There are major online vices such as bullying occurring while playing the game with other users.

Therefore, parents duly need to maximize parental controls on the game to help their Kids remain focused and not to get all too engaged in the fantasy game.

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Why Parents Should Set WOW Parental Control

The World of Warcraft comes with parental control functionality with the ability to restrict or limits your kid's gameplay on the World of Warcraft. Parents should maximize parental control function to prevent dangers like:

    1. Online Addiction:

The World of Warcraft appears to a fun and engaging online game with the ability to keep your kids hoodwinked/glued to the screen. The continuous and uncontrolled playing of the game can keep your kids from focusing on their school work and home chores. In fact, they can choose to spend the entirety of their day on this online game has it comes in no end. It gets to a point where they began to protest if you try to impede their gameplay physically.

    1. Cyberbullying:

Cyberbullying does not come from the game itself, but from other people, your kids interact with when playing on a multiplayer mode. World of Warcraft being under the blizzard services comes with a voice chat integration where gamers can communicate over the gaming network or server. The players can pass abusive languages to each other just to make the other gamer feel inferior and lose self-esteem while playing. If your kid uses the World of Warcraft platform, the chances are that the kid is being bullied, and you may need to disable the voice chat feature.

    1. Social Isolation:

From being addicted to this game, your kids get cut up in a fantasy world. This fantasy world may impair their physical communication with you as a parent or their friends. Such a kid that becomes too engaged with WOW game can choose to lock themselves in their rooms while playing the game rather than going out for other social activities or participating in active sports.

    1. Impulsive spending:

The world of Warcraft requires the game player to make a subscription payment using debit or credit cards. Non-subscription accounts will allow your kid to play the game up to level 20, which may not seem to well to your kids. Using a subscribed account allows your kid to make in-game purchases, upgrade weapons, and allows for unlimited gameplay. Therefore, if your kid has access to your credit card details, he/she may use it to make subscription payment, and in the case where such kid is addicted, chances are there could be excessive spending when making purchases to play the game.

What Can Parents do by Setting WOW Parental Controls?

    1. Set Play Time limits:

set play time limit on WOW

World of Warcraft parental control allows you to set daily and weekly limits on the game. You can use this feature to determine the number of hours or time allotted for your Kids to play World of Warcraft game. Your child is automatically warned and locked out of the game once the set time is exceeded.

    1. Specify Player Schedules:

Specify Player Schedules

Just like the way the time limits are set. You can set specific schedules at a particular time your kid can have access to play the game. With this feature, you get to use a calendar in which you can schedule your Kids game playtime to be after school or only on weekends.

    1. Check Reports about the game:

check reports

As a parent, you will receive timely reports of your Kid's playtime directly on the email address used in setting parental control. You can always check these reports to access your Kid's gameplay and take necessary actions if it's tending towards an addiction.

    1. Enable or Disable Voice and Chat Streaming:

Voice and Chat Streaming

The parental control section gives you the ability to manage your kid's access to using the voice chat feature in communicating with other gamers. You can choose to disable this voice chat feature if you discover it is not safe.

    1. In-game purchases:

To keep a check on the spending of your kid, you can use the parental control to decide whether or not your kids can make game purchases. This will particularly help prevent your kids from impulsive spending when playing the game.

The Pros and Cons of WOW Parental Controls


    • Blocks certain unbeneficial gaming features:

The Wow gaming console is possible with online access where your kids can make in-app purchases and chat with other players. Although some of the features are fun-like and makes the game more engaging, you may want to prevent your kids from using credit cards or being contacted by strangers, simply using the parental control setting to block such gaming feature.

    • Monitors and Reports your Kids gameplay:

The Wow parental control keeps you aware of your child's gaming activities on World of Warcraft. You will receive such activity reports via email.

    • Set screen time limitation:

Setting screen time is one step towards preventing Kids' addiction to the game. And with parental control feature, you can limit your Kids screen time on a daily or weekly basis.


    • Parental control by-pass:

The parental control setting cannot play on a kid's intelligence. Many a Kid can decide to create another account and continue their gaming activity without your awareness.

    • No passcode:

The parental control setting, surprisingly, does not have a passcode feature in restricting access. The parental control allows you to make use of email addresses as a means to access parental control, but there can be a loophole here. If your kid sign-up on the game using their personal email address, the parental control feature may be ineffective.

How To Set WOW Parental Controls

Your kid's ability to stay physically healthy and focused on their home and school work is based on the step you take as a parent to keep their gameplay in control. As regards World of Warcraft, many a parent can choose to block a player with the potential of bulling your kids, report harassment, and many other functionalities. If you don't use parental controls in an instance, you might want to start by taking the following steps;

  1. Log-in to the battle.net account you used in creating your Kids account.
  2. Once logged-in on battle.net, navigate to settings and select parental control on the drop-down menu.
  3. Then it leads to a page where you click on Begin set-up button.
  4. The Begin set-up link automatically directs you to a form page that you are to fill with the same email address used to log-in.
  5. A link will be sent to your email, which you are to click on to finalize parental control set-up.
  6. 6. From here, you can set scheduling options on "Game Time Management" while you can limit the number of times your kids can have access to the game.
  • Web Filtering
  • Location Tracking & Geo-fencing
  • App Blocker & App Activity Report
  • Screen Time Limit & Schedule
  • Explicit Content & Suspicious Photos Detection

Maximizing the parental control setting on the battle.net World of Warcraft game enables you to keep your Kids gameplay in check. With such a setting, you can know the time spent on the game, reports on log-in times, and block intruders. This article explores the parental control on World of Warcraft and how best you can use them to keep your kids healthy and safe.

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Thomas Jones

chief Editor