Parental review: why kid is addictive to minecraft?
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Parental review: why minecraft is addictive?

why minecraft is addictive?

Introduction: What is Minecraft?

It is a video game where the player can create, modify, and destroy the environment using the tools available in the surrounding. Markus "Notch" Persson was the key brain behind the development of Minecraft, and it is now under the maintenance control of Xbox game studio, and Microsoft. In the current scenario, digital parents are in search of effective methods to overcome Minecraft addiction.

The game comprises of interesting activities like construction, mining, fighting, eating, etc. The player will survive in a world of bricks, and blocks. He/she should start to build using the three-dimension blocks, find ores, feed the hunger indication with the help of plants, animals like pigs, sheep, chickens etc.

The mobs appear suddenly with weapons to destroy the buildings. They will try to kill the player too. Now, the player should make use of the available tools, and fight with these mobs. There are passive mobs with a friendly attitude, hostile mobs attack the player, and the neutral mobs fight when provoked.

The player should face all these challenges to move towards the exit portal. When the player enters the exit portal then the game will take the player to a new outer end island. The Minecraft seems to be a long-lasting game without any end as such.

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Is Minecraft an addictive game?

Yes, Minecraft is an addictive game. The source from BBC news, says that more than 3.9 billion viewers of Minecraft on YouTube in the month of March 2015. From this, you must be clear with the fact that addiction occurs not only by playing the game even by watching its related video on YouTube.

Professor Mark Griffiths from the University of Plymouth in England stated that the children aged between 12 and 16 spend more than 30 hours a week on computer games. Their addiction rate is increasing day by day without any control.

According to the research by Psychologist stated in the "Attitude" that the Minecraft affects the ADHD kids more than a normal kid.

How kids become addicted to Minecraft?

Minecraft addiction occurs because of the following reasons


This gaming platform allows players to explore a different environment. The player can move anywhere, and do various activities like building blocks, mine ores like gold, diamond, etc. The inquisitive minds of kids love this feature, and it serves as one of the foremost reasons for addiction.

Fights with Passive mobs:

As you all know, that children are prone to fights, and quarrels. They love to fight with friends, siblings, neighbors, etc. It is the natural characteristic of a child. The Minecraft feed this behaviour by involving them in fights with passive mobs. The players use weapons to handle the enemies.

Block building:

From the age of three, the kids play with the building blocks to train their brain. When the kids view those blocks on screen they get more excited, and this has led to addiction. The three-dimension building blocks trigger the creativity of the kids thereby making them play for a long time.

Does Minecraft damage kids' brains?

Yes, of course, Minecraft damage a kid's brain. It brings structural changes in the brain if the kid spends many hours in that environment. If the child plays the game continuously then he/she shows behavioral changes within a short period.

When he/she fights with the passive mobs at Minecraft the following changes occur

  • Excess rise of dopamine content in the brain
  • Visual-motor areas of the brain receive simultaneous signals
  • Short circuit the front lobe of the brain causing difficulty in attention, emotions, etc
  • The brain cannot handle intense, and artificial simulations which leads to unknown impulses
  • Chronic stress disturbs the normal flow of blood in the brain. The blood moves away from the front lobe to primitive areas.

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How do you get rid of Minecraft addiction?

Plan for gadget-free short trips:

The picnic gives a lot of fun than video games to kids. As parents plan for these short trips frequently to overcome Minecraft addiction. You can take your kid and his/her friends to the nearby park regularly to spend the leisure time of your kids. If you want quick results from addiction then plan for this short trip regularly without excuses.

Play with your kid and give awareness about the video games in a joyful mood

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When the kid is alone then immediately, his/her attention goes towards gadgets. To overcome that situation you can engage your kid by playing Chess, board games, card games, etc. If you make the game interesting then he/she will not think about gadgets, and video games anymore.

As responsible parents, you must create awareness about the cons of video games while playing with them. When you educate them, it should not be a one-way communication. Initially, you have to start with the discussion of his/her achievements on Minecraft, and then you must proceed in a friendly tone regarding the awareness related to that game.

Install the best parental control app

If you are able to monitor the kid's gadget activities remotely then your kids are at a safe zone in the cyberspace. You can avoid Minecraft addiction with the help of a sophisticated parental control app. The FamiSafe parental control app is one of the highly recommended tools by the professionals and child psychologist.

The FamiSafe parental control app serves as an excellent tool to peep into your kid's gadget virtually. You can work at your office, and simultaneously access your kid's gadget at home effortlessly. You need not yell at your children anymore related to excess gadget usage, it is enough if you set "Screen Time" and switch off your kid's smartphone while you are working in your office.

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  • Web Filtering
  • Location Tracking & Geo-fencing
  • App Blocker & App Activity Report
  • Screen Time Limit & Schedule
  • Explicit Content & Suspicious Photos Detection

The amazing features of FamiSafe parental control app

    • Block App :

In this feature, you can control the app usage, and block the inappropriate app from your kid's access in their gadgets remotely. You can block Minecraft from your kid's phone using this feature. To limit the app usage you can set the timer to lock the app after a certain period.

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    • Report on Gadget activities

The FamiSafe parental control tool records a complete analysis of your kid's gadget. In this report, you can find some of the details as follows

      • Enter and exit time on each app
      • How many hours spent on each website
      • How often the app and websites visited in a day etc

Using the above details, you can get a clear idea about your kid's gadget usage in your absence. This Activity Report reveals your kid's favorite app, desired websites etc. You can take respective measures on Minecraft addiction on time before the situation goes worse with the help of the FamiSafe parental control app.

    • Plan wisely

With the help of FamiSafe, you can teach time management skills to your kid. The "Smart Schedule" feature allows you to plan your kid's day schedule wisely. Here you must allot time for reading, homework, playtime, TV time, gadget time, dinnertime, etc.

The kids will put down the gadget at its place automatically after a short period if you set "Screen Time" to limit the phone usage. When the set time expires, a popup window notifies the expiry of the screen time, and it locks the phone automatically. Even the intellectual kids will find it difficult to unlock the gadget.

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    • Monitor kid's online search

Using FamiSafe, you can monitor the "Browser History" precisely without manual phone access. In this remote spying process, you can gather a lot of information like

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      • URL of the website visited
      • Website visiting time
      • Time spent on each page on the website
      • The closing time of the Browser window
      • Bookmarked websites etc

It is high time to implement "Web filters" in FamiSafe to protect your kid from the access of the adult content website. This tool filters the web content before it could enter in your child's smartphone. With the help of this feature, you can protect your kids from child pornography, porn websites, and addictive gaming websites etc


Finally, you are now on the verge of the article looking for a conclusion. To overcome Minecraft addiction issues in your kids then install the right parental control app to establish remote access precisely. You should ensure a safe internet space for your children and guide them to make use of this environment for a constructive purpose. If you practice your kid to use the cyberspace for fixed time using FamiSafe parental control app, then automatically you will find progressive changes in your child's behavior, and academic performance. It is the perfect time to take the right decision on monitoring your kid's gadget activities.

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Thomas Jones

chief Editor