Hoop App Review: Find Dangerous Strangers on Snapchat
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Hoop App Review for Parents: Find Dangerous Strangers on Snapchat

Hoop App Review for Parents

The Hoop app is a dependant program and connected with the Snapchat platform. This app notifies the Snapchat profiles and thereby encouraging the members to add friends in the Snapchat platform. Initially, it starts in making friends but later on, it shows the true color of the consequences by adding unknown people into the Snapchat platform. This Hoop app does not allow direct conversation but you can communicate via Snapchat by adding the profiles in the friend's list. This app indirectly helps the Snapchat members to boost up their friend's list count in no time.

Hoop App

How do kids use Hoop?

Step 1: The kids download the app as per their gadget’s OS and install it by following the wizard.

how kids use Hoop App

Step 2: They create a profile by filling in the necessary details and continue to connect with the other Hoop members nearby and across boundaries.

Create a Hoop Profile

Step 3: Earn diamonds by sharing the profile and surf through relevant matches through swipes.

Hoop Earn Diamonds

Step 4: When they found an apt match then they will request to connect with the Snapchat platform to commence a conversation.

Hoop Commence a Conversation

Is Hoop safe? Why should parents care about Hoop?

No, it is not safe for the kids and teens to use the Hoop app. Parents should care about the Hoop app because of the following reasons.

Meeting Strangers:

This app makes the kid meet strange people and become friends in no time. The innocent souls may not be aware of the hidden dangers with strangers. There are options to change the age of the profile anytime, which assist the strangers to meet kids and teens effortlessly. When they chat on the Snapchat platform, there are chances to pick up a bully, share adult and porn content, sexting, etc thereby leading to cyber issues. In the long run, the kid may face psychological issues.

Hoop Meet Starngers

Share Personal information:

The kids get excited about earning diamonds to trigger a chat on the Snapchat platform. The Hoop app allows the kids to send Snapchat friend requests for their favorite profile only when there is sufficient availability of diamonds. To earn those diamonds the kids have to share their profile, which in turn distributes the personal details across boundaries even without their knowledge.

Share Personal Information on Hoop

Increase Screen Time

Due to frequent usage of this app gradually makes the kid view the gadgets without any time limit. This would ultimately increase the screen time of the kid and affects their daily activities. The kids and teens will be keen on watching out every move in this hoop app thereby ignoring their responsibilities. It brings adverse effects on their health and academic performance.

Increase Screen Time

Reviews on Hoop app

  • The Alabama news refers to the Hoop app as a dating app because it connects the profiles in the Snapchat platform. It points out what is the need for developing a dating app for kids and teens thereby making the adults meet the kids, which leads to cyber issues.
  • The Texomashhome page website indicates the Hoop app like Tinder for kids because it provides an easy platform to meet strangers and talk to unknown people across boundaries effortlessly.
  • In the Mcafee website, the Hoop app is criticized for lack of proper age verification process, which has led the adults and strangers to meet young minds easily through the Snapchat platform.

How old do children have to be for the Hoop app? How predators hide?

The official age limit to make use of the Hoop app is 18+. The predators hide in the Hoop app by creating a profile with a fake date of birth. In the hoop app, there are options to change the age factor anytime. This facility increases the predator count on this platform.

Dating app like Hoop has raised many safety concerns among parents. Some gaming apps even enable players to date online while playing games, such as VRChat that is popular recently. If you want to know more potential risks that online dating may bring about, don't miss this guide:

Parenting Tips: Is Online Dating Safe for Teens?

How to make sure your child is safe?


As parents, you have to educate your child regarding the pros and cons of the internet world and its related apps. Awareness of the consequences of the inappropriate apps and websites guide the child towards the right path despite distractions around. Enlighten your kid with a proper education on the social media and the issues related to it. You can opt for professionals to talk to your child and give them a better understanding of the desired results. The experienced people can handle the kids well and they can offer realistic thoughts to them towards the right path. You can take your child for individual guidance or seminars regarding the threats of the cyber world.

Real-time experience

You can create an account in the threatening apps like the Hoop app and show them the hidden dangers of it. Surf through the app and point out the predators in the group. Through the real-time experience, your kids will get a better input rather than talking for hours together. An effective approach in teaching your kid about the dangers of the internet platform travels well rather than shallow lectures.

Grab the perfect Parental control app

The FamiSafe parental control app is the perfect choice to protect your child from unwanted social media apps in the online platform. There are many parental control programs in the digital market, the right fit helps you a lot and safeguards your kid at the right time without serious consequences. The FamiSafe assists you to take respective measures on time and this nature of the tool brings honor to this product in the long run.

Most parents across boundaries recommend FamiSafe for the below reasons:

  • A user-friendly tool with clear and precise control options
  • Well-defined guide at its official website to direct the users in the right path
  • Excellent and impressive customer support team
  • The features are embedded on this app in the finest way
  • Notifies the mischievous activities of the kid immediately
  • Web Filtering
  • Location Tracking & Geo-fencing
  • App Blocker & App Activity Report
  • Screen Time Limit & Schedule
  • Explicit Content & Suspicious Photos Detection

Features in detail

App block & Usage

It is high time for the parents to monitor the installed apps at your kid’s gadget remotely and block it if it is inappropriate to your kid’s age. If you find the hoop app in your child’s phone, then immediately enable the block option to get rid of the unwanted cyber issues in the future. The ‘App Block’ feature in FamiSafe parental control tool will help your kid to focus on real-time activities like friends, outdoor play, school works, etc.

Take immediate measures if you find your kid is too addicted to any of the social media apps like hoop app, Tinder, Facebook, etc. The ‘App Usage’ program will display a detailed report about your kid’s activities on the installed apps in their gadgets. Check out the time spent on each app and set the time limit to access those apps in a precise manner.

FamiSafe App Blocker

Activity Report

Find out the daily gadget activities of your kid accurately using the ‘Activity Report’ of the FamiSafe parental control app. This report carries the record of every phone activity of your kid along with the time factor. This feature gives you a clear picture of the installed apps, count of the visited web pages, time spent on each app and web pages, etc. All these data will help you to take respective measures and protect your kid from the hidden dangers of cyberspace.

FamiSafe Acitivty Report

Browser History & Web Filter

The ‘Browser History’ option assists you to know whether your kid or teen searched for any inappropriate web pages related to Hoop app, Kik, Tinder, etc. From the history list, you can find out the internet needs of your kid or teen. It displays every search detail of your kid’s gadget along with the time factor.

Enable the ‘Web Filter’ to ensure appropriate web pages reach your kid’s gadget and you can make it happen effortlessly. The FamiSafe parental control app sends a notification if your kids try to enter the filtered web content. You can filter the web pages based on its category and content like ‘drugs, weapons, crime and death’ etc. You can add websites as per your needs and safeguard your child from the dangerous stuff loaded on the internet platform.

FamiSafe Web History

Therefore, it is the perfect time to take respective action in safeguarding the kids and teens from online predators. The Hoop app plays a vital role in offering a platform to meet strangers with the kids. Install the reliable FamiSafe parental control app to monitor the gadget activities of your kid. Block inappropriate apps immediately before your kid steps into cyber issues with the new circle of friends at the Hoop platform. Monitor, detect, and take quick measures related to the phone activities of your child using an impressive program FamiSafe parental control app. It is the best solution to deal with gadget issues in kids optimally.

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Thomas Jones

chief Editor